Air Chilling


10 Years
Mar 2, 2012
How would one go about air chilling 50 CC? I’m thinking wrap them up individually in a bag and then toss them in my cooler with layers of ice. I’ll keep layering and topping off with ice as needed. My only problem is finding bags big enough for this stage of the air chill “soak”. In the end I’ll use shrink bags but I don’t think they seal enough to keep water from penetrating the bag.
Any suggestions fellow meat lovers?
I guess it could work, but it sounds like a huge hassle. I air chill 65-70 birds at a time in a 150 cubic foot coke cooler with lots of racks, but before that, I just did a tank chill in ice and drained them well before bagging. You can create a very simple draining rack with 2" PVC parts. I absolutely hated working with ice and, unless I owned a commercial ice machine, it can be really difficult to get ice where I live since I don't live near any stores that sell it, so we bought the coke cooler from a closing down restaurant.

The shrink wrap bags will definitely leak water if submerged beyond the opening, to confirm your suspicions.

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