Air on chest


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
Beaufort SC
I just move around 30 chicks that are around 4 weeks old from the brooder to the coop that I just finished yesterday. As I was moveing them I noticed that one of the White Rock pullets had an air pocket under her skin on her chest, any ideas. Thanks for all your help.
P.S. I just finished treating them for Coccidiosis they day before.
what bedding are you using?

here is a pic of a chick with injured air sac::

click here

not to be confused with a full crop..
make sure the crop is emptying..feel for any lumps..

is the chick eating and drinking?
making normal droppings?
I had them on pine shaveings. They were getting a little over crowded as I was finishing the coop though.
It does kind of look like that pic, but the sack is all the way onder the bird too, not just under its chin.
I dont't know about the other stuff she is with around 30 other chick. I will seperate her tonight. So I can tell.

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