Air potato as feed???

Serama Mama 4

In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
I'm plagued with air potato vines. Does anyone know if you can feed them to chickens or other livestock? If so, how?
How interesting. I've never heard of them before. I googled and cool very pretty plants, but so invasive. We have our own invasive vines here. Lol!
Some references said toxic, some said some varieties are toxic, some said the underground tubers are edible, the hanging ones toxic. So I guess I'm no help, but I live by the motto "If in doubt throw it out".

A few years back when I was younger me and my friends would gather bucket fulls of these things. We would then throw them at passing people from are hidden "fort", lol. They're everywhere, and since nothing touches them, the chickens probably shouldn't have them either.
I just had hahaaahahahahahaahahaaahah!
I just had this vision of haahahaaahahaahSnort!
Chickens with smelly GAS! aahhahhahahhfpfff!
Just walking around tooting! oooh, my sides hurt.

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