

I've gotten one to root once.. but well, that was about it.

I actually managed to grow a plant from a storebought mango seed. I had it for 2+ years. I think I killed it this year
It got too big and I planted it outside, made a greenhouse for it... but that insane frost in November did it in, I think... maybe it's come back from the root next year. I had a fig that I thought was dead and this spring it came back twice as vigorous

It takes them a few years to produce. If you can get one to root you're doing good! We don't do anything special. Just put the rooted top in a pot and keep it watered and out of the cold. In a year (at the least) you'll have a pineapple.
I just came back from the coop... again. I broke the ice in the bucket about 4 times today. One inch layer each time. I'm really glad I don't have hanging waterers right now. I have to get the ducks' water trough things' ice broke soon. They're mad at me.:banghead:
my 6 gallon bucket was a solid brick this morning. had to put a water bowl out for them to tide them over for a while. if this crap keeps up i'll need to get that aquarium heater to put in there
Should I put a heat lamp in the coop since it's gonna be extra cold tonight?

No heat. Chickens have a harder time in the heat than in the cold. As long as things are dry they're okay.

See this? No heat. The ones in the hoops are in better health I think. These are from a couple years ago but everything is pretty much the same. Wind chill -17 F yesterday. When it's 30 F it's a good day.

Doors open all day. They still go out.
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I have some heat lamps up, but half of my hens are still mid-molt. They're having trouble staying warm. Everyone is cranky, pecking at eachother when they cuddle up too close.

The chicks have been in the house the past two nights. Just too much out there for them. They were doing ok in the light frost, but 11F is a bit too nutty. They were shivering.

I'll be glad when they go out again, they've gotten too big to all be in a tub
And they're stinking, getting their food soaked.

Dum-dum ducks took a bath in their bowl yesterday morning and froze. Literally. Their feathers froze instantly. They shook and shook and little snowflakes went flying
They were not happy about it. They're ok now though. I think the drake's nose is a little frostbitten, but it's hard to tell since his skin is black. It looks bigger than normal and maybe like a blister? Ofcourse, he's also coming of age, so his carunkles are getting bigger day by day. He was wooing his ladies yesterday.
I have some heat lamps up, but half of my hens are still mid-molt. They're having trouble staying warm. Everyone is cranky, pecking at eachother when they cuddle up too close.

The chicks have been in the house the past two nights. Just too much out there for them. They were doing ok in the light frost, but 11F is a bit too nutty. They were shivering.

I'll be glad when they go out again, they've gotten too big to all be in a tub
And they're stinking, getting their food soaked.

Dum-dum ducks took a bath in their bowl yesterday morning and froze. Literally. Their feathers froze instantly. They shook and shook and little snowflakes went flying
They were not happy about it. They're ok now though. I think the drake's nose is a little frostbitten, but it's hard to tell since his skin is black. It looks bigger than normal and maybe like a blister? Ofcourse, he's also coming of age, so his carunkles are getting bigger day by day. He was wooing his ladies yesterday.

Well now I don't know why they're molting and if that's why they're having trouble being warm the heat is necessary. Otherwise not. Some breeds however don't do well in the cold or heat.

I chose breeds for cold hardiness.

Chicks of course will need a lot of heat, depending on the age. Fully feathered birds shouldn't need heat. Unless of course because of their breed.

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