:( 13 of 16 arrived alive today at 1000, so about a 24 hour trip from Ohio. Lost a Buff, EE, and my Meyer meal maker (I think). Heat pack was still warm, so not sure if it was the cold or trampling. Could be a lot lot worse. Very excited to have the ones that made the trip. I dipped (or tried to dip) all their beaks in the water, but all they want right now is the food.

I am so happy right now! No eggs for months and today I got 3!
I have missed fresh eggs. I was going to add a pic, but I can't upload anything. Internet isn't too good in the livingroom.
I thought about a LGD but I'd probably have to buy a bigger couch LOL. I'm surprised there's not a chicken in here.


Our LGD Anatolian Shephard/Pyrenese 8 month old puppy came in at night the past few nights when it was so cold. He immediately claimed the couch. Wisher, how is your puppy doing ? And he keeps our cats away from the chickens. He "tolerates" the cats, but he will pick them up and toss them sometimes if they aren't behaving like he thinks they should. He is very protective of HIS chickens.

My pup is a pain in the rear! His name is Biscuit and he is about 17 weeks old. He tries to maul (playfully) the chickens whenever he sees them. He will jump on top of the house dog whenever she tries to potty outside, and he deals my ancient lab misery. He is growing like a weed and can't eat enough for his weight to keep up. He chews on anything he can get his teeth on. He has destroyed a bicycle seat (yes, it was attached to a bicycle,) a garden hose, most of my decorative driftwood, and several shoes. The vet said his only prediction on adult weight would be over 100 lbs, but he wouldn't say how much over. On top of all that, he has Demodex mange and I have to dose him every day, maybe for the rest of his life. His head looks awful.

I love him!
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Thanks for all the kind words and advice. I plan to move them to the coop at about four weeks, with an ecoglow 20. Think that would work?

Wisher, I can be bribed with some of those chicks you're hatching! Gotta warn you though, it's a 10 footer (looks great from 10 feet away). This is my first time building anything bigger than furniture!

I've got a heat plate and it's worked fine. I kept mine under the top part of a litterbox before, to make sure no rain got to it. Now I've got plexiglass up so not worried about it.

My pup is a pain in the rear! His name is Biscuit and he is about 17 weeks old. He tries to maul (playfully) the chickens whenever he sees them. He will jump on top of the house dog whenever she tries to potty outside, and he deals my ancient lab misery. He is growing like a weed and can't eat enough for his weight to keep up. He chews on anything he can get his teeth on. He has destroyed a bicycle seat (yes, it was attached to a bicycle,) a garden hose, most of my decorative driftwood, and several shoes. The vet said his only prediction on adult weight would be over 100 lbs, but he wouldn't say how much over. On top of all that, he has Demodex mange and I have to dose him every day, maybe for the rest of his life. His head looks awful.

I love him!


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