Tom I sure hope not if they are they will be heading for the freezer post a few pics of what you have done so far dh is working on siding as we speak after that it's roost nest boxes and fence

Nick I'm curious to see your brooder
We finally got wire on ours here is the finished product
I have pics I can text, if your really interested, I'm doing all this by phone haven't been able to load any up. Just pm I'll send all you want
Here's my brooder box and swedish flower hen chicks. They were one month old when this was taken. I brood in the house first 2-3 weeks and then they go to the larger brooder in the top of a barn.

They are now 2 months old and screaming to be put into something larger (working on their permanent coop). I don't think 18" will be tall enough unless you are thinking just the first month or so. I mean, I guess you could, but I like more space.

This was scrap materials so around 40" wide and 7ft or so long. Hardware cloth in case the raccoons go snooping around.

They're cute, the only thing I ALWAYS think when I see those is "Maybe they shouldn't walk under the roosts... they look like momma pooped on their head"

Once they get older, they grow out of it, as the pattern disperses more.

Bama, no hating on the white rocks
They're very calm and curious, unlike the rest of my bunch. I think one of mine is a roo, based on that personality (always the first to investigate, walks head held high etc.) My 4 year old has claimed the rocks as his though, so they cannot become nuggets (that's what he told me.. or well "Noooo, the white chickens are my chickens, you can't eat them.")
Hi all. Bad day or so here. Yesterday morning a neighbor's dog came onto the property and killed one of my JG roos (the good one who always stayed with the ladies when they were out ranging) and one of my BO hens (who was just considering going broody).

I saw the dog coming out of the woods and going after some of my ducks. Dressed on the run, fired a round to distract it from the birds and then into the woods I went. Unfortunately, by the time I caught up, it had gotten onto our neighbor's property (not the dog's owner). I found the kill sites but no bodies. Later in the day I saw the dog running through the neighbor's pasture with something buff in it's mouth, my hen. Drove over, it came to me. I took some pics of it but now I'm in the street so, no shooting. Yelled at it to get so I could see whose dog it was. It went down a road that only has 2 houses. Nobody home. I climbed through the barb wire fence to get her carcass as I didn't want the dog to have the reward of eating her. Got home, cut the usable meat off of her.

This morning, out to the woods I went with a .22 and a 9mm (my husband's and the only we have). No dog. About an hour later I went out to check and see 2 dogs in the neighbor's pasture at the fence line looking towards the coop. Into the woods again, called to the dogs hoping they'd come onto our property but they ran away. When I got close enough, I realized these 2 dogs came onto our property a few months back and killed at least 2 of my chickens (2 others "disappeared that day). The owner was talked to then and swore he'd keep them chained. Obviously that lasted 4 months.

So, I weighed my options. First was to shoot the dogs but they run when they see me so doing so on our property would be difficult as I can't sit outside all day. Second, talk to owner again and see how long it lasts. Third, call the sheriff's office. I went for option three, though option one is still a possibility. A deputy came out and took a report. Asked if I wanted to have a warrant sworn out on the owner for having dog's at large. I declined, this time. But have 1 year to change my mind. The deputy was going to inform them of this also.

I want to be neighborly, even though we only rent, but how many animals should be killed before it's reported? Apparently (according to my landlord) these dogs have been running rampant for years, killing chickens, sheep and possibly a cow that was calving. I feel a little better today but will still not allow my birds out of their run tomorrow.

Okay, I'm going to try to stop venting about this. :)

On a happier note, I should have more muscovy ducklings hatching tomorrow. Mom was acting a bit odd today, hovering over her nest instead of laying down. So, we'll see.

That's awful. I sadly had a dog like that... Chased horses and stuff. My mom was being a moron about it and just kept taking him off the leash too. *sigh* He killed a cat and some chicks. Once he started chasing cars down the freaking freeway she finally rehomed him.

Some folks have no sense...

(In good news, he found a family with a strong male figure to assert dominance and leadership and he straightened out. Some male dogs will just walk over their owner.)

If I were in your shoes, I'd likely have done the same.. I couldn't stand the idea of someones dog doing that! Poor chickies, poor cow too
I'm surprised noone sued them. Cows are expensive!
Jdy, I am sorry for your loss. In my opinion venting here. Is a wonderful option.
I have some bo/ black tail x in my bator now. Maybe with a good hatch I will have some to share if you are interested.
Thanks tomtomom. Most of the folks here are from a few different families. I'm assuming that nobody wanted to be a bad neighbor but since we will not be living here forever, I'll take the brunt. I have heard that the owners of the dogs have lost several of their dogs to being shot by others. So, I guess its nothing new to them.

Dan2, I really appreciate the offer. With the losses of those 2, I'm down to 2 roos and 14 hens but I only have 2 BOs left (lost 1 to a hawk) and the rest of my breeds aren't known for going broody. I do have one BO setting on 12 eggs right now. So, I have some babies coming but most of my hens are JG and they aren't supposed to make good broodies.

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