Hi ceeceeholt
I was wondering how breeders or ppl that sell their eggs keep the hens and roos seperate so that you don't get mixed chicks? I am trying to figure this out before we build the run this weekend.
I am scared to put all the hens and roos in the same run and have a mixed up mess.... lol can you offer some advice please?
Hi ceeceeholt
I was wondering how breeders or ppl that sell their eggs keep the hens and roos seperate so that you don't get mixed chicks? I am trying to figure this out before we build the run this weekend.
I am scared to put all the hens and roos in the same run and have a mixed up mess.... lol can you offer some advice please?
Hahahahaha!!!!! I was wondering the same thing. My hubby said I was gonna end up with mutt

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