I've got 9 gals and a gentleman.. the run is 8x12 and their 'bedroom' is 3x8. They only use one of their 3 roosts (they will squeeeeeze together). And they're spending their time free-ranging when I am home. They just get fussy if I go away and they can't get out. Roo will make a ruckus! I had planned for 8-10 birds, so really, I am at the max. And they already eat me out of house and home...

Temptation though.... I want something a little more exotic than Plymouth rock and production red
Sure, I got my Australorps... but... they're just black chickens. I'd love something with a little pizazz. That's not to say I don't love my current bunch, but I like a little variety!

I had expected to have more roos that would need a home, leaving me some wiggle room. Doesn't that figure?!
You could always take a couple to the auction in Clanton and then get a couple that you might want.... Just a thought....

Ok, here's the amazing story. I decided I wanted turkey eggs and found someone on craigslist near me offering bronze turkey eggs for sale. When I contacted him he said he had been unable to hatch them and thought them to be infertile. Because of that he was willing to give them to me. I felt bad and offered to trade chicken eggs for them.
When I got there, I found out he only had one pair. So the oldest of the 9 eggs he "gave" me was at least 9 days and probably 12 days old. I put 6 under a BCM broody and the other 3 in my incubator. Well my OE decided to set the same nest. But she must have laid one last egg before she went broody because at 24 days on the turkey a baby chick hatched from under the hens and they both left the nest with the turkey eggs. I found them cold and was certain they would never hatch. I rushed them to my incubator and to my surprise today I had 6 healthy little poults.
The moral to the story is never give up.

Ok, here's the amazing story. I decided I wanted turkey eggs and found someone on craigslist near me offering bronze turkey eggs for sale. When I contacted him he said he had been unable to hatch them and thought them to be infertile. Because of that he was willing to give them to me. I felt bad and offered to trade chicken eggs for them.
When I got there, I found out he only had one pair. So the oldest of the 9 eggs he "gave" me was at least 9 days and probably 12 days old. I put 6 under a BCM broody and the other 3 in my incubator. Well my OE decided to set the same nest. But she must have laid one last egg before she went broody because at 24 days on the turkey a baby chick hatched from under the hens and they both left the nest with the turkey eggs. I found them cold and was certain they would never hatch. I rushed them to my incubator and to my surprise today I had 6 healthy little poults.
The moral to the story is never give up.
huntinwidow they are so adorable! Congrats on your new babies! Are they Narri's? They look like mine did...

Ok, here's the amazing story. I decided I wanted turkey eggs and found someone on craigslist near me offering bronze turkey eggs for sale. When I contacted him he said he had been unable to hatch them and thought them to be infertile. Because of that he was willing to give them to me. I felt bad and offered to trade chicken eggs for them.
When I got there, I found out he only had one pair. So the oldest of the 9 eggs he "gave" me was at least 9 days and probably 12 days old. I put 6 under a BCM broody and the other 3 in my incubator. Well my OE decided to set the same nest. But she must have laid one last egg before she went broody because at 24 days on the turkey a baby chick hatched from under the hens and they both left the nest with the turkey eggs. I found them cold and was certain they would never hatch. I rushed them to my incubator and to my surprise today I had 6 healthy little poults.
The moral to the story is never give up.
Awwww, good for you, just awesome!
It's like having to pick which one of your kids to auction off. Even the evil Australorp has a place.. (in the fryer.. at some point..)
Isn't it the truth. I'm about to post pictures soon of my 9 week old Am and EE chicks on the EE thread to confirm how many Roo's we have in this batch. Wouldn't you know it, they would turn out so pretty!

DH has decided himself that we will keep 1, I must choose between this batch and another EE/mix group in the 7 week old batch of chickies......drat!

I told myself I would sell the Roos I could, then freezer camp what's left.....but they are so cool looking so far....I'm watching for behaviour issues too, anything to help decide. Oh well, this is the chapter to come, so, I'll just have to see how it goes.
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I always wait until the roos are about seven months old before I decide. There is usually one (maybe two) that stands out by that time. Gentle with the girls, vigilent, intolerant of the younger ones (leadership and protectiveness) nice looking (remember, he will be passing all those traits on to your future chicks) and most importantly, non-aggressive toward people.

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