I just adopted 4 laying hens from some rough conditions. 2 are going through a hard molt, the other two have a light stress molt to them. Also they all.have been debeaked, or so it looks liken these poor girls are so sweet and scared.
I have never seen debeaking but it is horrible. Any one else had special need chickens or debeaked birds? Are there any special rules about them?

Thank you for saving them. Poor girls

Golden Sebright, closest rooster is starting to crow...

Silver Sebright hens....

hybrid bantamXSilver Laced Wyandotte

bantam hen with three Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks she hatched

Gold Laced Wyandottes

Golden Sebright, closest rooster is starting to crow...

Silver Sebright hens....

hybrid bantamXSilver Laced Wyandotte

bantam hen with three Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks she hatched

Gold Laced Wyandottes

They are very cute. Makes me want some

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