Hahaha I've just started my first ever incubation. I'm only on day three and I'm a nervous wreck. I'm so anxious to get these little guys and girls here safely. It's going to be like Christmas when I get to candle for the first time.
I can imagine! Good luck! And it's nice to hear your birds are well! I am getting worried with all this rain here this week!
Is anyone interested in RIR roosters? We have 2 too many and would like to trade for pullets (old enough to be outside). Thanks!
where are you located? I have 3 babies that aren't laying yet but they are jUST about to that age, they all come up to you and love to be held. I'm only looking to get rid of two of them though, ones a silkie and I absolutely love her:) but the others are adorable one young too and one young hen:) or I could trade two young female ducklings! They are old enough to be outside and are almost fully feathered. I made several threads looking to find new homes for them I took them in to care for them because the mom abandoned them. But pm me !
I personally like the Black Australorps. They're not aggressive like the RIRs are. I'm also a big fan of the Buff Orpingtons. Though they're a little small in stature for eating I think. This is Checker, she's about 12 weeks old. She's my special girl because of her crooked toes. I was told to cull her because she would have trouble walking. She's perfectly capable of everything else my others are. I'm new to the New Hampshires but I'm almost sure they're dual purpose. Alice here is a sweetheart. The man I got her from says they're closely related to the RIRs. She's around 4-5 months old.
Our Dominique roo has toes like that!!!! So we named him Doesn't seem to bother him much either. My hubby saw in his "research" one day that if we had splinted it straight when he first hatched it would have straightened it out.
Our Dominique roo has toes like that!!!! So we named him Doesn't seem to bother him much either. My hubby saw in his "research" one day that if we had splinted it straight when he first hatched it would have straightened it out.

Toes is an awesome name for him!

Checker is from my fist batch of chicks I've ever raised. By the time I figured out what to do she was too old for me to make her tape footies.
I've also been told that this can sometimes be fixed by upping the riboflavin in their diet. Avian Super Pack from
I've morphed into a chicken nut!! At first I thought I wanted just 5-6 RIR's for laying... Then I had a friend get me looking at Rocks. I've fallen for the Silver Penciled Rock. It's a gorgeous chicken. (never thought I'd say that) now I'm looking at coops that will house 25+ chickens cause I want two of everything!! Hubs is gonna stroke...
I've morphed into a chicken nut!! At first I thought I wanted just 5-6 RIR's for laying... Then I had a friend get me looking at Rocks. I've fallen for the Silver Penciled Rock. It's a gorgeous chicken. (never thought I'd say that) now I'm looking at coops that will house 25+ chickens cause I want two of everything!! Hubs is gonna stroke...
Lol I told my husband we would get four chickens and we ended up with 13. It's easy to get addicted, they are a lot of fun.
Are they difficult to keep? Hubs is telling me we'll have to give up vacations and it'll be work to keep them going since we both have full time jobs...

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