It is a little extra work especially when you already have a full plate, but it has also been a blast. We haven't gone on a vacation yet since we got our chicks. I'm planning on using my mom and dad as chicken sitters, because they have their own flock, and I trust them. I also have a good girlfriend in mind as a back up since she lives near by and owes me one for feeding and walking her dog when she was away.
Casio, you should definitely make arrangements for someone you trust to take care of them while on vacation or out of town. And teach them your daily routine. Even for just a day. They are more work as chicks. I didn't know what I was getting into buying week old chicks. The brooder is a ton of work. But certainly worth it. It's so rewarding taking care of those tiny chicks and watching them grow up.

My six BAs when they first came home April 19th.

A few weeks later

About 7 or 8 weeks of age.

Taken last Wednesday, at 12 weeks.

Full time jobs shouldn't be a big problem as long as you make time at least twice a day to make sure your chicks are taken care of. Full food and water all the time, and clean bedding. If you start at brooder stage, it gets nasty real quick. Needs to be changed every other day sometimes daily. Depending on how many chicks are in there and how big the brooder is. Though if you go with older chickens there's less work involved. It's a matter of weighing the work with the little ones and more money on the older ones.

I really hope this helps. I can guarantee that you'll not regret a moment of chickens!
I'm thinking it may be worth it to start with pullets instead of the tiny ones, I read the day olds should be checked on at least 5 times a day and I don't think my boss would appreciate a tote full of chickens in my office. I plan to have a chicken sitter if/when we go on vacation as well. Would never leave them unattended overnight. Was ready for the twice a day check on food/water/bedding. Thanks for all the help! Experience is the best teacher :) another question, did you buy or build your coop/run? I'm contemplating buying, hubs wants to build. Time is on his side that way lol
I'm thinking it may be worth it to start with pullets instead of the tiny ones, I read the day olds should be checked on at least 5 times a day and I don't think my boss would appreciate a tote full of chickens in my office. I plan to have a chicken sitter if/when we go on vacation as well. Would never leave them unattended overnight. Was ready for the twice a day check on food/water/bedding. Thanks for all the help! Experience is the best teacher
another question, did you buy or build your coop/run? I'm contemplating buying, hubs wants to build. Time is on his side that way lol

We built ours. It's much cheaper that way. There's lots of options out there. Here's a picture of mine.

And the yard pen that we move them to during the day until they're ready to free range the whole yard.

We're making plans to set up three more large coop/runs to start our breeding program next year. Search for coop designs here on BYC there's so many wonderful drawn out plans.
We scored free pallets from Walgreens to build our coop, built the run out of stuff we already had, except the hardware cloth. Can't wait to get our coop completed so our birds can leave the brooder & move into their new home!
We converted a shed we already had in to a coop. It took about a week to finish, we didn't add a run though because our back yard is fenced in.
That is great! We live in the country and have lots of critters that love chickens! So we had to make a covered run. But the chickens love it! We are still going to have to make some more pens though!
Hello everyone! I will have a few chicks to give away if any one if interested.
I have one blue cochin that is about 3 weeks old, starting to have a pink comb :( but was my favorite.
Possibly another but I'm am going to give her another week to see if she starts to look boyish she is 2 1/2 weeks old.
One 7 week old austrolorp also looks like a roo.
I am located in magnolia spring :) let me know if anyone is interested.
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