Yes they are free. I got too many chicks up front hoping that some would turn out to be hens and I am thinning out my little flock :) I know for sure the blue cochin that is older i am going to rehome as soon as someone wants him or her, the austrolorp I am going to wait about another week just to make sure she is a he (madea is her name) and about another week or so on my smaller blue cochin. :)
Toes is an awesome name for him!

Checker is from my fist batch of chicks I've ever raised. By the time I figured out what to do she was too old for me to make her tape footies. :) I've also been told that this can sometimes be fixed by upping the riboflavin in their diet. Avian Super Pack from

That's how it was with our little guy, didn't know till it was too late and it doesn't seem to bother him so we will probably just leave well enough alone.
I'm thinking it may be worth it to start with pullets instead of the tiny ones, I read the day olds should be checked on at least 5 times a day and I don't think my boss would appreciate a tote full of chickens in my office. I plan to have a chicken sitter if/when we go on vacation as well. Would never leave them unattended overnight. Was ready for the twice a day check on food/water/bedding. Thanks for all the help! Experience is the best teacher :) another question, did you buy or build your coop/run? I'm contemplating buying, hubs wants to build. Time is on his side that way lol

We started with hatching eggs I had shipped in, that's where my Doms and my multi-colored roo came from, then I bought 6 Amercaunas as week olds. It's been fun but lots of work with the little ones, thankfully I don't work so I was home with them. There is about a month difference in age between my 2 breeds, and although they will tolerate each other in the yard the big ones don't want the little ones in their bed. We are still trying to decide if we want to build a second coop or try to make the one work. I have a friend who has chickens so she would watch mine when I would go out of town for a few days, until we lost one of our big babies. Now the hubby doesn't like them to be left alone, and if we do need to leave them then the big ones are in their run and the little ones stay in my basement. We have a vacation planned the beginning of August, but our son will be home with them because of football practice. Our thing was making sure they have a safe secure place to stay when we aren't home, and since we live in the country and the neighbors dog likes to play with them we are going to fence our yard for secure roaming when we are home.

We built our coop as well. We went to one o the local metal places that builds sheds and asked if we could buy some of their shorter scrap that they wouldn't use, spent about $100 on that but got lots, went to lowes and found windows on clearance and of course got the lumber. It took a lot longer than we wanted but my hubby works out of town a lot so that slowed us down. Would definitely build another one if I needed it, but wouldn't let the hubby go over board this
My girls have been fence hopping to the neighbors yard

Their area is bald and with this rain it's turning into a muddy mess.. so they decided the rest of the yard and the neighbors yard is much nicer. Going to have to find a way to make the fence higher or find some other way of keeping them in.
One of our 16 week old clean faced EE hatched (errr, should have said layed) her 1st egg today. This was from the 2013 Easter hatch. The egg is green, excited since we only have 1 hen laying green, the rest are aqua blue/green.
Her name is Sugar, her favorite place to



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