I am finally ready to give way my two blue cochin chicks. I am thinking they will be roosters. 1 is 4 1/2 weeks old and the other is around 3 1/2 weeks old. One is a lighter blue and the younger one is a darker blue. I am also debating on getting rid of my gold laced who is around 3 1/2 weeks also. I am leaning towards hen on that one. I live in baldwin county, if anyone is interested pm me :) not giving away for eating though!
Gotcha' covered. DH will get the beer and BarBQ going and I'll see to your gas tank. I'll just say hooray 'cause I can't spell disrespect. Chirp.

Wouldn't it be cool to meet up somewhere with AL folks and swap chicken stories....? Just sayin'
And maybe even swap some chickens????
I'm totally in shock right now
Something got into my back yard and my chicken coop yesterday night. Killed all my chickens!!! Well,found the bodies of my orps. My silkies are missing.
Good morning everybody! Sorry I've been MIA. We've been very busy here. Just got back from a camping trip and in the middle of hatch. I've also added six guinea keets to my flock. Well, they're in the grow out run until they're big enough to run the yard. They were just put on the ground two weeks ago when I got them.

Welcome to all the newcomers!

Coop look great Brea!

Raz, I'm constantly sending warm thoughts and prayers your way. If we were a little closer I'd love to come help you out any way I could.

Day 21 of my hatch was yesterday. I had two early hatches on day 20! I was right there watching. So stinking excited! I had one that I had to help a little last night. Left her overnight and when I woke this morning she was running around with the other two. I found one that had pipped on the bottom this morning. I turned him over and let him be. He's squirming and chirping in there. So hopefully he will make himself known here in the next few hours. That leaves 9 doing nothing. Of course I'm sure about 4 of those weren't even fertile or gave up really early.

Here's my first two.

And the little light colored one makes three.
Quote: I'm actually not involved with CPS. Someone called on my parents while my brother and his family were staying with us. It created a huge mess and everything was blown out of proportion by the guy that was working their case. I told them flat out that I don't live with my parents (my self-preservation at its best) and temporarily moved in with my cousins.I did all that to make things easier on me since I was moving anyways.

Thanks for your concern. It's part of the reason I love this site so much.

Good morning everybody! Sorry I've been MIA. We've been very busy here. Just got back from a camping trip and in the middle of hatch. I've also added six guinea keets to my flock. Well, they're in the grow out run until they're big enough to run the yard. They were just put on the ground two weeks ago when I got them.

Welcome to all the newcomers!

Coop look great Brea!

Raz, I'm constantly sending warm thoughts and prayers your way. If we were a little closer I'd love to come help you out any way I could.

Day 21 of my hatch was yesterday. I had two early hatches on day 20! I was right there watching. So stinking excited! I had one that I had to help a little last night. Left her overnight and when I woke this morning she was running around with the other two. I found one that had pipped on the bottom this morning. I turned him over and let him be. He's squirming and chirping in there. So hopefully he will make himself known here in the next few hours. That leaves 9 doing nothing. Of course I'm sure about 4 of those weren't even fertile or gave up really early.

Here's my first two.

And the little light colored one makes three.
Thank AP. It's the thought that counts.

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