Does egg 4 look strange to anyone else? I found it pipped on the underside early this morning. It's moving and chirping but the outer membrane looks like it's drying out.

They are Easter Eggers. Though one of them, pictured below, seems to have puffy cheeks and a beard like the Ameraucanas do.
I have an EE that yoi would think is a blue wheaten Ameraucana with beard and all but she has green legs. Yours is probably a cross with Ameraucana in it. :)
Does egg 4 look strange to anyone else? I found it pipped on the underside early this morning. It's moving and chirping but the outer membrane looks like it's drying out.
Depending on how long it's been that way, I might would chip off egg shell along the pip line, moisten the membrane and see if chick can hatch from there. If there is any sign of blood, just moisten it and put it back in. If you search for Sally sunshine and malpositioned egg, you will get some great info w pics of how to assisted a wrong end pipped egg. Best wishes on the rest of yoir hatch. I had a SLW pop out today. :)
Depending on how long it's been that way, I might would chip off egg shell along the pip line, moisten the membrane and see if chick can hatch from there. If there is any sign of blood, just moisten it and put it back in. If you search for Sally sunshine and malpositioned egg, you will get some great info w pics of how to assisted a wrong end pipped egg. Best wishes on the rest of yoir hatch. I had a SLW pop out today.
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Wouldn't it be cool to meet up somewhere with AL folks and swap chicken stories....? Just sayin'

Like here?

I'M SO SORRY! I know how you feel, it is devastating to go out to discover all your babies dead. I have been there several times. I know it may not make you feel any better, but here is the speech I gave my boys when we first got chickens.

"Remember, something will likely kill and eat our chickens at some point. It is not a matter of "if" but 'when'. Chickens are meant to be food. Lots of animals, higher on the food chain, eat chickens. Fox eat chicken, dogs eat chicken, hawks eat chicken, HECK, people eat chicken. It is a natural part of nature, and if you keep chickens, you must be prepared for it. We do our best to give them a good life, and they are not happy with being confined all the time. Eventually, some will be killed, it is part of owning chickens."

The first time it happened, the boys were sad, but toughed it out.

I cry ed like a baby........
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Thanks you everyone! Still upset me when I go outside and not be greeted by my chickens.
I'm going to take a little break from chickens until I figure out what killed them. My guess is raccoon or possibly a fox.
Thanks you everyone! Still upset me when I go outside and not be greeted by my chickens.
I'm going to take a little break from chickens until I figure out what killed them. My guess is raccoon or possibly a fox.
my bet would be coon...

it's hard to make a coop completely coon proof IF they really want to get in. Hardware cloth and welded wire are your friends.

sorry for your loss....

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