Part of me really wants to get an incubator.. and part of me is afraid to even open up that can of worms. I would be spending WAY too much money buying all sorts of eggs and hatching way more than I actually have room for...... not a good idea
Ideally, my flock stays between 8 and 12 birds. I have 9 gals right now and a rooster that is still waiting for his new home. I could house more, if I had to... but that would not be permanent. I think more than 12 would be too noisy.... although really, upto 15 would be doable....

Dangit, someone talk me off the ledge, before I go off the deep end!
Part of me really wants to get an incubator.. and part of me is afraid to even open up that can of worms. I would be spending WAY too much money buying all sorts of eggs and hatching way more than I actually have room for...... not a good idea
Ideally, my flock stays between 8 and 12 birds. I have 9 gals right now and a rooster that is still waiting for his new home. I could house more, if I had to... but that would not be permanent. I think more than 12 would be too noisy.... although really, upto 15 would be doable....

Dangit, someone talk me off the ledge, before I go off the deep end!
I think we are all like that.

I really want a incubator too. Want to hatch some quails and maybe some silkies and opringtons.
I guess it is good I don't have a incubator. I'm sure chicken math will catch up with me really quickly if I did.
I'm starting to itch for some chicks... I may have to look around locally, if TSC doesn't have what I want this year!

I want a few brahmas, because that's just a coloring I don't have yet. (1 buff, 1 white)
I still want some Ameraucanas/Easter eggers/Olive eggers/possibly cream legbar, to add some color to the egg basket. (2 or 3 should do)
Maybe a welsummer, or a maran of some variety. Again, adding a little color to the basket.
I'm thinking about a Wyandotte or a Cochin.. something broody.
Whatever adds a pop of color to the flock, feather or egg wise. Must be LF, preferably not feather legged and must be friendly. No flighty birds here.

Lord, I am aching for some chicken algebra here.

I will be selling some of my current girls though. Don't wanna end up with a bunch of burned out birds in a year or two
Gotta keep a few new gals coming in each year. I'm thinking one of my partridge rocks will be sold, probably one of the Australorps.. maybe one of the production reds... Keeping both of my white rocks, they've been wonderful.

Anyone else got the spring chicken fever?
yes, i do! i have an incubator full right now, and then a ton of eggs waiting to go in for the next
Thanks all for answering my dumb questions. Im new. Here are my 11 week olds

There are no dumb questions. We all had those same questions when we started. You just need a course in chicken math. That and chicken TV is whar it is all about.
What are you hatching, ihavechickens2? Maybe I just have to get my friends with incubators to hatch me some

After a little looking around I want a columbian wyndotte... which ofcourse are a bit rare.
They have the brahma look minus the feathered feet. I don't want feathered feet. I would like a fun variety of the other wyndottes as well. Current flock is all white, all red, all black and partridge. Need some sparkle in there!
I have several Mille fleur leghorn Roos that need a new home. Asking $30 per. As far as I know, there are no other Mille leghorns in the state. I also have a bantam cochin roo and some EE Roos. Trying to get my laptop to work so I can post pics. Let me know if anybody is interested.
Jd i am having the same issues. I want some black copper marans and easter eggers. I think our brahmas crossed with an easter egger makes olive egger. I would split a dozen of each with u.

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