Just need to see if someone will split the order with you.  Do you know what breeds they got in today?

Production reds are a hybrid brown egg laying chicken breed.
i know they have production reds and white leghorns. My main objective was to get some ducks for my pond. But i dont need 6. But i would take a couple white leghorns if they were girls. But they are straight run. Decisions decisions
I got busy going through my totes of kids clothes finding short sleeve shirts and dresses (wishful thinking for more warm weather!) and forgot to call again. I called Bessemer at 8:01 and he said they wouldn't know until 10 or 10:30. I guess I don't have to call now!
Oh and one thing I forgot to add was I saw a sign that said you had to purchase at least 6! ... I was hoping to add 3 or 4 at the most.. hubby would definitely notice 6 LOL Now my other 18 are getting so big and mobile I don't think they could be in the same pen anyway. I have my fingers crossed there will be silkies

I was looking online for silkie breeder in AL, came across a breeder that is going to show her silkie in Clanton,AL in April. And you know where there is a show there will be people selling.

April 12, 2014 - Alabama Bantam Club Show - Clanton, AL
I'm in Enterprise and can split an order with you. I already bought ten this morning and I'm thinking of getting some more. Just let me know. :D  
thanks. I will talk to boss lady when she gets home and let u know. I was wishing for them to get bcms and ees. But i would take a few white leghorns
Tsc in ozark said i have to buy 6 chicks. I dont have enough space for 6 more. And what are production reds?

I've gotten less than 6 before. Just tell them you already have chickens or you plan on coming again the following week, so you will have a variety. Especially if you've been to the store before, they may be more likely to trust your intentions.

They just do it to prevent ignorant parents to buy one or two for their kids, without lights or any of the proper stuff.. especially bad around Easter. I would know, my step-son's mom bought him a chick for Easter before. Needless to say, it died a week later.

People can be so stupid...

Not all stores even realize the reasoning behind the 6 chick rule, they just stick to it, because that's what they're told. In that case... find someone to buy chicks with you.

Production reds are a mix of Rhode island reds with something else. Honestly, they stamp that on any red bird that isn't 'pure'. You can count on lots of eggs, pretty much.

I called on Sunday, they said Monday. My friend and I planned a chick day to make our rounds to see the chicks. I called Monday before I left and they said it was a holiday so it would be Tuesday by noon. We moved our plans made the rounds and nothing.
Riverside has a few week olds. I ask the 69 TSC what they were getting and they said RIR pullets, staight run mixed and ducks. That's it. I hope he was wrong. We have now moved our chick day to Thursday but I will call first. I hope there is more of a variety and that they are seperated this year. I read how TSC is other places have such great breeds.

Yeah, we've been playing the waiting game too. They better have some tomorrow, or else!

Our store has six tubs set up, this year. The sign said red pullets, mixed pullets, straight run special, cornish x, ducks and bantams. I think that's what they'll do in most stores.

thanks. I will talk to boss lady when she gets home and let u know. I was wishing for them to get bcms and ees. But i would take a few white leghorns

They will get different chicks every week, most likely.. so check back, you may just find what you're looking for.

Also, Wisher1000 has bcm and ee.
thanks. I will talk to boss lady when she gets home and let u know. I was wishing for them to get bcms and ees. But i would take a few white leghorns

Oh yes, tomtom is right. They will get new chicks in every week for like 4-6 weeks. Don't remember the Ozark store getting EEs, but they definitely got marans last year.
Quote: I at least have that, but now my son is having nightmares at 8 months old. It started around the time I started working, so we think he's having nightmares about me leaving. I only work 8 to 4 and I go see him as soon as I get in the door, but I guess that's just not good enough.
We're working through it and it he isn't waking up as often. So, small blessings.

Quote: It should only be a month at most, but I've been here way too long. I haven't seen a single chicken since I've been here!

How far are you away from Prattville. The farm center has chicks now.
They're always really good about getting chicks in when they say they are... or just really lucky. I know last year they had a hard time selling all their FBCM chicks. I wanted some, but getting around my dad is hard.

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