I'm so excited my chickens are starting to lay!!!
Thought mine were having a seizure the first time I saw them dusting

I knew about dusting but didn't realize that they would just lay there on their side with their feet stretched out. The first time I saw that I thought that one of my dog killed one of them.
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That hen yesterday was on her side kicking and flopping around and she didn't come out of her hole for over an hour! I for sure thought something was wrong lol
At what age do chickens start laying? I seen my roo trying to molest one of my spring chicks. I didn't alow it. LOL They are still babies!!! I don't want them to be adults. The last spring hatch, I still have to put to bed every night. They will wait outside the coop until I come. One night I even waited until after dark, and they never went in. So NO they are not ready for nasty stuff with the rooster...
. Ok I bought 3 new chickens Saturday and this is a blue Cochin I was sure was a pullet compaired to the other chicks but now with it here by itself it is worrying me. Could this be a Roo? I'm not sure of age I'm gonna guess like 10/13 wks maybe
It looks like a pullet to me. I'm not a chicken sexer by profession, I must admit. In my humble experience. A roo's comb/wattles would be dark red and grown out quite a bit. A pullet will mature slower in this area and won't generally grow as big. They'll stay yellow for awhile longer than the roos. As well as she's not standing erect like a roo. You'll know soon enough. ;p

My young roos have been hollering quite a bit before 10 weeks. They were tiny trying to squeak a cockadoodle doo. It was cute, but now it's annoying in the house(laundry/mud room).
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At what age do chickens start laying? I seen my roo trying to molest one of my spring chicks. I didn't alow it. LOL They are still babies!!! I don't want them to be adults. The last spring hatch, I still have to put to bed every night. They will wait outside the coop until I come. One night I even waited until after dark, and they never went in. So NO they are not ready for nasty stuff with the rooster...

Generally they lay anywhere from 6-8 months old. On out to a year old. A couple of mine started at 14-16 weeks. They are around 16-18 weeks old now and I'm getting 6 eggs a day out of 18. I just have a couple that couldn't wait. I have 38 eggs total in one day shy of two weeks. That is since the point of lay.
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At what age do chickens start laying? I seen my roo trying to molest one of my spring chicks. I didn't alow it. LOL They are still babies!!! I don't want them to be adults. The last spring hatch, I still have to put to bed every night. They will wait outside the coop until I come. One night I even waited until after dark, and they never went in. So NO they are not ready for nasty stuff with the rooster...

What kind are they?

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