First I have been wicked excited to start this journey. I am uploading pictures of my new babies as I type, So hopefully I can have some idea if they are roosters or hens.

Can you tell me how many rooster is a good number to have in a run. My run is 10x20 feet with a raised hound dog two sided house in the back area. I ask because if my new EE are roosters I wouldn't want to give them away. Also I have them in a large bird cage because I thought they were big enough to not be able to get threw the chain link fence and I was wrong. So they will be on my front closed in porch until they are big enough to hang out with my girls. Is it safe to keep them in a cage or should I find something else.

More about me is I have a huge heart for animals and football. If and when I get a rooster his name will be Bama. I have a rescued beagal who's name is Bear Bryant
I also have 3 other dogs, Spot, Dixie and Beauregard. And 2 cats Jack and Sally. My girls are Chickie the Bitchie Chick, Speckles, Ashley, and Nugget!!! I names the youngest newbie Hott Fuzz but my other 2 I want to wait until I know if they are roos or not

My heart is open to any and all animals, so they flock to me LOL.

I also papercraft do needlework and garden although this year my garden didn't do so hot with this crazy weather

Thanks for reading and advice, look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome Jenn,
I'm just across the river in Florence, Well I live out in Central Heights off the Savanah highway but it's still considered Florence.

I got chickens, ducks, turkeys, guineas, quail, rabbit, a black Lab and a Yellow Lab.

I think there is something mentally wrong with my chickens. I found a caterpillar on my pepper plant yesterday so I removed it off the plant and put it in their chicken food bowl thinking it will make a good treat for them. But "NO" they looked at it and then look at me as if they were saying "I can't believe you threw that in our food bowl". Needless to say, the chicken stay away from the caterpillar and it walked out of the bowl and out of the chicken pen untouched.
Would anyone like to buy some NZW rabbits? I have several for sale. I need to thin the herd some. I have both bucks and does for sale, excellent meaties! 15.00 each.

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