Has he ever saw the silkies or polish? If u tell him u want those...he may settle for some brahmas or cochins or orps

I have a black and white silkie I believe that's what a friend of mine said it is lol he says it's the ugliest chicken I have lol. Got it last weekend and 3 more not sure what kind they are though

Welcome, Jb!  I am pretty sure that black and white chicken is a White Crested Black Polish.  I'm not sure about the little buff pullet, but she sure is cute.

Thank you. I forgot what the guy I purchased them from said they were my daughter was busy running from his goat while I was talking lol and roll tide! :)
I've been to clanton shows but I'm looking for a specific color and I've never seen it there. Thought someone here might know of a breeder that I dont. Lol thanks
i have some fertile hatchery quality brahma eggs i could send if u pay shipping.
Thank you so much for the offer but you shouldn't tempt me like that!

Maybe that little rooster of yours will start wooing the ladies at some point. So far, not even a crow out of him

Chicks always sell though, especially if you get something desirable (legbars are still a hot item). Eggs aren't that hard to find... Wait.. Was I supposed to discourage you?
YES!!!! You guys are SUPPOSE to discourage me!!!!
But it's so sweet that I got several offers of hatching eggs instead. You guys are awesome!!!
Hi Orps!

I have a question for you. I am guessing those are your babies in your profile pic. Are they BBS Orps? If so where did you get them? We only have 3 Buffs at present but I am wanting to add some of the other varieties like Chocolate, Gold Laced Black, Jubilee etc... but I love the BBS too, so pretty. I was hoping you purchased them in somewhere in Alabama. :) Thanks!

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