Anybody here from south Alabama? We're located in Brewton

Hi, Melnee!

There are several members who post here that are from the lower third of the state. Stop by often and you can "meet" them. I'm from west-central Alabama, but I'm glad you joined us and will be happy to chat or answer questions if you need that. Welcome aboard and ROLL TIDE!
Selling a few birds today
Three hatched last year and a 2 year old Australorp hen.
They're unnamed, which means they never really nestled into my heart. I'm weird like that.
If it's named, it stays.. unless it's a derogatory name

I have SEVEN dozen eggs in my kitchen. It's silly to have so many birds if I am drowning in eggs in February.

So that'll leave me with 9 hens and 9 little pullets (not laying yet, and I wont keep all). A much more manageble flock. I'm hoping to keep one of the little cockerels, but I do that to myself every year and it never works out. I swear if I ever get land I will breed the Basenji of chickens and become rich
For now, they're still small, so they get to stick around.
2 caught.. 2 loose in the yard (easier to chase when they're seperate from the flock).... 45 minutes until pickup, fingers.. numb. Hm, anyone wanna play chicken chase?
Ofcourse these last two are the two little marans x aus mixes my broody hatched, so not very tame.. they tolorate my presence, but that whole touching thing? NOPE.
@Tomtommom did you catch the two roos?

I'll be selling some chantecler roos in about 5 weeks if anyone's interested they will be 9 wks old. Not sure how many of the 8 chicks I have will be roos. Pm me with questions
Total drama

Chicken number 3 squawked so loudly and miserably, every dog in the neighborhood started barking. She was acting like I was about to wring her neck. I'm certain the neighbors must've thought I was! It was terrible.

So chicken 4 went into hiding... I had to get the people who came to buy them help me catch her, she was TERRIFIED, certain I was going to do her in.

The whole flock was traumatized and wouldn't come near me.

As we're putting the birds in their vehicle, number 3 gets loose, so now we're chasing a chicken through folks front yards. We finally got her, but she's screaming bloody murder again, feathers everywhere from her fighting.

Chicken 1 and 2 behaved nicely, but 3 and 4 were terrified... they were paralyzed by fear at the end of it all.... guess that's what you get when you raise birds by broody. Kinda glad they're gone. I had no idea they were so flighty, I never tried catching them before I guess. They also took a little cockerel, the one that always jumped on my back and steal things from me. I warned them he may grow up to be very dominant, but they said that would be ok. Alright!

Got 10 ladies left now (I miscounted, I thought there were 9 left) and 14 juveniles.

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