Meanwhile in Huntsville...

I swear I'm still alive. When I'm not busy I'm either on the Easter hatch thread, trying to figure out what I'm ordering, or I'm trying to track down eggs which just isn't happening, apparently. At this point I'll take anything that their owners don't think is made of gold. :banghead:
Meanwhile in Huntsville...


Omg snow! Keep it all I don't want any. It's amazing how the weather differs only a few hours away.

Hi and welcome

I swear I'm still alive. When I'm not busy I'm either on the Easter hatch thread, trying to figure out what I'm ordering, or I'm trying to track down eggs which just isn't happening, apparently. At this point I'll take anything that their owners don't think is made of gold. :banghead:

:lau have you tried the 24 hour egg auction? I "possibly" have some cockerals I'll be selling once I find out who's who. You can make your own egg's right in you're backyard. Good luck though on finding some reasonable one's.
@RazadiaI have some Rhode Island Red eggs (wink wink).. We can meet u in Troy. They may lay blue, green, olive, pink, or cream colored eggs. Absolutely FREE
We finally got our chicks from the post office!! Ended up with 22 Delawares, 6 Buff Orpingtons, 6 Barred Rocks, 7 RIR's (ordered 8 but one chick started pecking at eyes and would not stop), 5 Wyandottes, 3 Welsummers. Has any one seen a chick peck at other chicks eyes and try to drag them around the brooder? I am assuming it will grow up to be a cockerel given his disposition at 3 days of age. Any thoughts and input would be appreciated. We have had chickens for several years and just have to start over after moving to Alabama; I have never seen that level of aggression in establishing the pecking order.
We finally got our chicks from the post office!! Ended up with 22 Delawares, 6 Buff Orpingtons, 6 Barred Rocks, 7 RIR's (ordered 8 but one chick started pecking at eyes and would not stop), 5 Wyandottes, 3 Welsummers. Has any one seen a chick peck at other chicks eyes and try to drag them around the brooder? I am assuming it will grow up to be a cockerel given his disposition at 3 days of age. Any thoughts and input would be appreciated. We have had chickens for several years and just have to start over after moving to Alabama; I have never seen that level of aggression in establishing the pecking order.

Welcome to Alabama
Congrats on new chicks :woot
Can't wait to see pictures!
@Razadia what breeds are you looking for? What is your price range.

Mainly RIRs and possibly SLWs since I can't order them due to availability being terrible. I'm trying to find eggs that are less than $30 for 6 eggs.

@RazadiaI have some Rhode Island Red eggs (wink wink).. We can meet u in Troy. They may lay blue, green, olive, pink, or cream colored eggs. Absolutely FREE

Blu laughed at me when I told him. I can take that as a no. :D :rolleyes:

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