Quote: I would have to the Wildlife Conservation to come get them!
I mean really they would have died being abandoned by their mother anyways!


Quote: Apparently. I've gotten a really good laugh out of talking to them. They like to lie a lot. That's for sure.

I created a FB page dedicated to how horrible a person I am. I plan to share pics of all the animals I've saved over the past few years. Oh and the emails. I'm having too much fun with this.
We need a link for that!

Razadia- Can't believe someone turn you in. Are the wildlife people going to a least pick those babies up?

Maybaby45- Chick are adorable!! Congrats on your additions
No one state wise ever contacted me about them. I got so frustrated with so call 'well meaning' people that I deleted everything! Someone did call me about picking them up as pets, so that's done at least. I had everything from people calling me inbred to people trying to convince me that having them around was a good thing. I guess they missed the part about where we found them! Someone else tried to pretend to be from F&W, but I've emailed them before and I know what their emails look like.

In other news I had to toss all but one of my Chantie hen's eggs. I'm not sure what happened, but they were all quitters and really gross. I don't have high hopes for the last one. I'm collecting some eggs for her to hatch and then I'm going to move her from her current nest so it can be cleaned. My best guess is that she could have accidentally broke a few eggs and it got to the others.
Nice eggs. I also mark mine with the date and breed and the date they go into the bator. Then I keep a log of which eggs go into LD and when they should hatch. I write how many went into the bator and how many hatched. 

The former misses said i wasn't ocd- it was something that i was inflicted with. I was hoping you knew not to mark with a "x".

I wish i had more time for hatching and brooding. I'll leave that up to all of you.
Well, the scovies started pipping externally yesterday! The day before that I felt them rocking
This morning about half of them are pipped, no zips.. but from what I gather they all pop out at the same time. Betcha tomorrow I will have little ones..
Well, the scovies started pipping externally yesterday! The day before that I felt them rocking
This morning about half of them are pipped, no zips.. but from what I gather they all pop out at the same time. Betcha tomorrow I will have little ones..
Awesome! So how many do you think she will hatch out?
Well, the quail are sold. Then I can shuffle the chicks around once the guy comes to pick them up. I decided to get out of quail. I hate hatching them. That's saying something since I love hatching.
Awesome! So how many do you think she will hatch out?

19 pips! 2 of them have a sizeable hole, 1 is zipped.. the kids got to see the little baby's face and it peeped at us. Mom's gotten used to me screwing with her nest. She doesn't like it, but she tolorates it. Overall I removed only 2 quitters, and they were well into development. Seems Heimlich is hitting his mark

See the resemblance?

In less happy news, I've got a bird on "cull watch".

She's been sitting in the nest box for 2 days, walks pulling her legs to her chest, fluffed up, shivering a bit. Last time she did this she didn't lay for 3 or 4 days. She's over a year old and still lays tiny pullet eggs... so her egg factory isn't 100%. I fully expect her to come to a point that I will have to put her out of her misery. We will see if that time is now. It takes her forever to lay an egg. Most birds are in and out in less than an hour, some a matter of minutes, she sits several hours for every egg she lays.

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