Sorry your losing your birds- i attribute the dogs and a pretty tight coop for keeping ours safe.
Traps and a shotgun work too. Once predators knows they keep returning. If you trap you need to remove them miles away or disbatch them. It is the only sure way. Electric fence won't do anything but slow them down. It is not pleasant but your losses of labor and money are also not pleasant. We once had a fox that showed up first thing in the morning waited for chickens to come off the roost. He'd would go over the electric netting like nothing was there. Yet it would deter cows and horses.

Bama what will Trot line bait do?
Chickadoodles: I'm Letting you know also... I'd be interested in anything from 6 to 10 eggs if possible to add to my turkey bloodlines if I can keep this dang predator out of them.

In the last month since i've been switched to days at work I have lost all 3 of my Ducks, 3 of my 6 Guineas, and 14 of my Chickens. This dang opossum is grabbing them and pulling them right through the bars in some of my cages and through the wire of other coops. My Turkeys are in a chain link dog pen right now and I got plans of building a real secure New Turkey Pen real soon. I got 2 live traps out there and haven't caught him yet. I saw him a couple days ago at 4:30 in the morning and got a couple shots off at him before it scurried away in the woods behind all my coops.


OMG! that's horrible.
That page has been around a lot longer than the AI of late. Its not a government conspiracy

Chicka, I would, but I'm already on there, have been on there for years, and just updated last week. It's a good resource for those of us who are looking for breeders of the birds we want.

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