Hello there from central Alabama! My husband and I currently own 3 mixed breed hens, one mixed rooster, one Plymouth Rock hen, two Khaki Campbell ducks, and a male French Angora rabbit (along with 4 wonderful dogs as well.)

Does anyone here in Alabama know where I might be able to find a female French Angora rabbit or a male Khaki Campbell duck? We've been hunting the local papers and auctions for months now with no luck. Please don't hesitate to message me or quote me if you know of anyone that has either of these!

Take care everyone! And Merry Chirstmas!

I think I can help.
@SenuaGifts may have the ducks. I thought I saw a recent ad selling khaki campbells and pekings in Ariton/Brundige.
I will get you the number for the bunny person in a few days
I'm looking for some laying hens. I started with 4 RIRs but wanted something a little different so sold 2 of them and bought 5 Brahma chicks straight run. I ended up getting 1 hen out of the batch. (I know, chicken math. Stay with me here
) Living in the Decatur city limits I can't have any roosters so I gave them all away. Now I'm down to 3 hens. 2 RIR and 1 Brahma and only 1 RIR is laying so I'm in a bit of an egg shortage. I went from 2 dozen eggs a week to about 4. Do y'all know anyone that has some layers for sale? Thanks.
I'm in Leeds, Al- about 12 miles outside of Birmingham.
I'm looking for 2 Leghorn hens, at least 8-12 weeks old.. any suggestions???

I live in St Clair county- i don't know any one that raises Lefhorns. Ask at the Co-op or at TSC in Moody. They might know a breeder.

I have a near by breeder told me this morning he had some Lavendar Ameracunas. The ones i got in November are beautiful birds. If any here need his info pm me here.
I live in St Clair county- i don't know any one that raises Lefhorns. Ask at the Co-op or at TSC in Moody. They might know a breeder.

I have a near by breeder told me this morning he had some Lavendar Ameracunas. The ones i got in November are beautiful birds. If any here need his info pm me here.

Got any pics? Do they sell hatching eggs

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