TSC in Selma already has chicks and ducks so they are coming. Just in case anyone is looking for some.
Hi fellow Alabama chicken peeps! I had posted a few months ago about trying to move with our chickens, and we just found out our only option is going to be rental. Rentals in the county are hard to find, especially for our family size, so we have to move to the city. I'm sad to give them up; watching them through my window right now as they happily forage for worms in our yard after yesterday's rain. North Alabama area would be preferable.

Can't you take some with you or you can't since it's a rental?  

There is no room on the property, it's in city limits (I already know this town is not chicken friendly), and I doubt the landlord would be favorable towards them. Plus there is usually an extra charge for each individual pet if they are permitted at all. We have a good sized flock of nearly 50 birds! We could have gotten a rental months ago, but we wanted to try first to get our own property out in the county so we could keep our chickies with us. I'm really happy we can finally get a big enough house for us and that my spouse can have a better commute, because both are very much needed. We move this weekend. I may have found a place to take our layers, but haven't heard back so it is still uncertain.
Hi fellow Alabama chicken peeps! I had posted a few months ago about trying to move with our chickens, and we just found out our only option is going to be rental. Rentals in the county are hard to find, especially for our family size, so we have to move to the city. I'm sad to give them up; watching them through my window right now as they happily forage for worms in our yard after yesterday's rain. North Alabama area would be preferable.

Can't you take some with you or you can't since it's a rental?  

There is no room on the property, it's in city limits (I already know this town is not chicken friendly), and I doubt the landlord would be favorable towards them. Plus there is usually an extra charge for each individual pet if they are permitted at all. We have a good sized flock of nearly 50 birds! We could have gotten a rental months ago, but we wanted to try first to get our own property out in the county so we could keep our chickies with us. I'm really happy we can finally get a big enough house for us and that my spouse can have a better commute, because both are very much needed. We move this weekend. I may have found a place to take our layers, but haven't heard back so it is still uncertain.

Just heard back, and they changed their minds and will not be able to take on our chickens. Back to the drawing board. :-(

Although the house we are going to be renting sits on less than half an acre, it is backed by hundreds of wooded acres, on a hill. I think it is considered public land. I don't know if we could build an enclosure back there without getting in trouble. I would love, love, love to bring my feather babies with me and continue caring for them near our new home, and not have to worry about codes or fussy neighbors. It's an older neighborhood (very pretty land and houses) with older residents. I wouldn't call it posh, but it is definitely an upscale part of town. We haven't met anyone there yet. I want to assume they are nice but I don't want to get on anyone's bad side and would prefer to be left alone. We have had to deal with a passive aggressive neighbor who would smile to our faces pretending to be friendly but then say bad things about us behind our back. One of the reasons why we are moving!
Just heard back, and they changed their minds and will not be able to take on our chickens. Back to the drawing board. :-(

Although the house we are going to be renting sits on less than half an acre, it is backed by hundreds of wooded acres, on a hill. I think it is considered public land. I don't know if we could build an enclosure back there without getting in trouble. I would love, love, love to bring my feather babies with me and continue caring for them near our new home, and not have to worry about codes or fussy neighbors. It's an older neighborhood (very pretty land and houses) with older residents. I wouldn't call it posh, but it is definitely an upscale part of town. We haven't met anyone there yet. I want to assume they are nice but I don't want to get on anyone's bad side and would prefer to be left alone. We have had to deal with a passive aggressive neighbor who would smile to our faces pretending to be friendly but then say bad things about us behind our back. One of the reasons why we are moving!
Sorry to hear. Maybe something will work out.

BTW, love your GLW. I had a GLW chick hatched from the egg that someone gave me. I just loved it death unfortunately so did my dad's dog (literally) .
Sorry to hear.  Maybe something will work out.

BTW, love your GLW.  I had a GLW chick hatched from the egg that someone gave me.  I just loved it death unfortunately so did my dad's dog (literally) .  :(

A couple of friends have offered, and I didn't even know they kept chickens! So looks like it may work out after all, at least for the layers. Not sure yet if they can house the roosters, we will see. I don't mind building a separate enclosure just for them, it is what we were going to do anyway.

And thank you! The silver and gold laced Wyandottes are gorgeous. I have one SLW hen and two GLW hens.

Totally understand about the dog. I just relinquished ours (wasn't my idea to bring her in the first place *cough*) because she kept killing our birds, and of course she got the favorites. Sweet dog, very adoptable, but she was not getting the training and attention she needed and so she got bored and her natural predator instinct would take over. The last victim was our gorgeous white fluffy EE with dark brown eyes and gentle disposition. So sad. *Sigh* I am NOT a dog person!
Sorry to hear.  Maybe something will work out.

BTW, love your GLW.  I had a GLW chick hatched from the egg that someone gave me.  I just loved it death unfortunately so did my dad's dog (literally) .  :(

Sorry to hear.  Maybe something will work out.

BTW, love your GLW.  I had a GLW chick hatched from the egg that someone gave me.  I just loved it death unfortunately so did my dad's dog (literally) .  :(

A couple of friends have offered, and I didn't even know they kept chickens! So looks like it may work out after all, at least for the layers. Not sure yet if they can house the roosters, we will see. I don't mind building a separate enclosure just for them, it is what we were going to do anyway.

And thank you! The silver and gold laced Wyandottes are gorgeous. I have one SLW hen and two GLW hens.

Totally understand about the dog. I just relinquished ours (wasn't my idea to bring her in the first place *cough*) because she kept killing our birds, and of course she got the favorites. Sweet dog, very adoptable, but she was not getting the training and attention she needed and so she got bored and her natural predator instinct would take over. The last victim was our gorgeous white fluffy EE with dark brown eyes and gentle disposition. So sad. *Sigh* I am NOT a dog person!

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