Ok we just checked rustys and they have lots of different kinds. I think we r gonna get 12 cuz they are only $2 a piece. We are gonna get 6 barred rocks, 4 brahmas, and 2 that the girls pick out. My only worry is that they are straight run chicks and im worried the kids are gonna pick ones that end up bein roosters. They also had some red sex links and arent those the ones u can sex by color? I wanna try and make sure the girls get hens so would gettin 2 of the red sex links ensure that at least those 2 are hens?
hello to all,I haven't been on in a while and I had to sign up as a new subscriber,but that's ok.I was j@amac now I'm clutch54.I just wondered if anyone would be interested in some White Delaware hens,I have a friend that is going to sell his.He is asking $8 each and has about 10 left.He also has some Rhode Island Red roosters.He and I bought some together last year to get some red sex links,in which he did,so he has some 2 week old pullets for sell and some males also.If interested you can PM me and I will give you his info,, we are in Limestone CO. on the Tenn. border.
Hello! Kind of new here. I've been a lurker for about 4 months or so but have decided that it's time to actually TALK! East Central Alabama here. 1 hour from Georgia line, 2 hours from B'ham, and 45 minutes from the Talladega Racetrack. I started out with 4 juvenile RIR last June, 2 roosters and two hens (a spare of each in case I made a stupid mistake while learning). A racoon found a flaw in my pen design and I now have 2 roosters and one hen (why he couldn't take the spare roo I don't know, I wouldn't have been NEARLY as insulted) but I just got my first egg yesterday, and am Super Excited. Anyone else in the region feel free to hit me up! Especially if you have a few spare RIR hens to sell!
How do your roos get along with each other?

Actually they get along quite well. All three birds are clutch-mates and have been around each other since hatching, the roos are very docile and allow me to handle them as necessary when moving about their pen. And interesting fact. they BOTH crow and mate the female, even though I've always been told that in such a situation one roo would dominate the other and be the only one to enjoy such privelidges. I am still planning to give the xtra male away to prevent any problems in the future though. it would be a shame for either one of of such beautiful and sweet tempered birds to get injured or have to be put down unnecisarily because of natural instinct. I am intrigued though at watching them interact since they appear to be fully co-dominate with neither being the boss, and yet NEVER fight or squabble. I've never even witnessed or seen evidence of a wing flogging, let alone an actual fight.
Do they both harass the hen?
Actually they get along quite well. All three birds are clutch-mates and have been around each other since hatching, the roos are very docile and allow me to handle them as necessary when moving about their pen. And interesting fact. they BOTH crow and mate the female, even though I've always been told that in such a situation one roo would dominate the other and be the only one to enjoy such privelidges. I am still planning to give the xtra male away to prevent any problems in the future though. it would be a shame for either one of of such beautiful and sweet tempered birds to get injured or have to be put down unnecisarily because of natural instinct. I am intrigued though at watching them interact since they appear to be fully co-dominate with neither being the boss, and yet NEVER fight or squabble. I've never even witnessed or seen evidence of a wing flogging, let alone an actual fight.

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