Alfalfa and turkeys - does it make the meat bitter?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 18, 2011
Hi! I read somewhere that free-ranging turkeys on alfalfa can make the meat taste bitter. Any thoughts? Wondering if you could still free-range them on it but take them off a month of so before slaughter date.
I've never heard anything like that either. In regards to big game it's always great to get animals that have been feeding in the hay fields - much more palatable than those eating sage and pine needles!
The only thing that makes my turkeys bitter is when I take their eggs (someone had to say it)

Since we had a very rough winter this year, the ground was covered with snow, and since alfalfa prices were the same as hay, I have been feeding my Barbados alfalfa, the turkeys have made a game out of eating alfalfa off of the sheep and foraging through their feed. I did process earlier this year and found no unusual flavors in the meat however, the turkeys would forage on their own every chance they could get and they did get corn. I am not up on this myth but I do know that alfalfa contains a significant amount of tannin, (the compound itself is bitter) from what I understand this may affect the ability of the tissues to absorb, which is remedial for many ailments for many animals, ostensibly humans as well. If you are feeding free choice on other foods, I would not worry about flavor, it did not seem to make a difference in my case. It does NOT ruin the flavor of lamb. I am very curious as to others experiences with this.
Definitely right about the lamb, I live in the desert and we have St. Croix hairsheep and all they get is alfalfa and some grain when lambing and it is the BEST mild tasting lamb we have ever eaten. Our turkeys graze with them eating the alfalfa on a daily basis on top of their grain and taste fantastic. Speaking of Crazy broody turkey momma check her out, get any closer and you may lose and eye!


Ok sorry for the hijack back to the OP's question
For winter feed and ease-of-use, what do you guys think about those alfalfa cubes? Good idea or not?
All the animals I eat. . . . I prefer them on alfalfa. They seem to be very tasty and touch more tender!!!! (cows, deer, elk, chickens, turkeys, etc.) Yum!!
None of my poultry will touch the cubes but they love to dig through an alfalfa flake, it helps with protein and boredom when there is not a grass to munch on.

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