All black chicken breed? Any ideas what breed?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 25, 2014
can you give us the age of the bird, and a good, clear shot of the side, an up close of the comb? The person's arm around it blocks our sight of most of the bird's features :)
She's a bit shy and jumpy so it's hard to get any good pictures of her, she's about 6 months old and hasn't laid any eggs yet so the color is unknown. I'll try and post more pictures tomorrow, but she is all black, and her comb has a bit of red showing through the dark gray color.
Ayam Cemani are an all black chicken, they are very rare though. Where did you get her?

It could also be some kind of throw back, like if a Silkie were mixed in at some point. They also have black skin (and bones and organs, if you looked inside :oops: ).
She looks to be a dark blue. I can see lacing on her feathers, and the darker blue of her head and neck. Is she a bantam?
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Ahhh, she does look blue now that I'm looking at the picture on my computer! On my phone she looked pretty black! Maybe a blue Sumatra?
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