all who are hatching quail

ok guys I guess its time to get serious I start setting 150 Coturnix a week starting next week. have to 2 outlets that want that many a week starting April 15th. oh right now I have about 30 northern bobwhites and 12 bob white chicks in brooders. that is the update from here.
Awesome Falconertomt! Those are some cute chickies! I've seen 2 of mine rocking but still nothing. Ugh, they are taking their sweet time!

Never mind, One is almost an external pip!

I found that if I whistled to them, they responded, I don't know if they come out faster, but my room mate that watched 10 come out in 30 minutes was calling to one when all 10 started rocking and ended breaking shell.
ok guys I guess its time to get serious I start setting 150 Coturnix a week starting next week. have to 2 outlets that want that many a week starting April 15th. oh right now I have about 30 northern bobwhites and 12 bob white chicks in brooders. that is the update from here.
Nice, I hope to get production levels to 100 birds a week at full swing, but intend to build up to that number based on the market.
I'm not sure a duck and goose can make fertile eggs... Would be interesting though. My big muscovy duck had been breeding with the female and a female kahki Campbell. I haven't tried to hatch any eggs though. I might after this batch of quail. I thought about putting one under my silkie hen but i think they are too big.
That would be sweet to get twins! my duck is breeding my goose :/ If I find a fertile egg I will toss some in the bator or under her
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I'm not sure a duck and goose can make fertile eggs... Would be interesting though. My big muscovy duck had been breeding with the female and a female kahki Campbell. I haven't tried to hatch any eggs though. I might after this batch of quail. I thought about putting one under my silkie hen but i think they are too big.

Where do you think we get turdukens from?
It seems that they can hybridize.
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I found that if I whistled to them, they responded, I don't know if they come out faster, but my room mate that watched 10 come out in 30 minutes was calling to one when all 10 started rocking and ended breaking shell.

Haha, that's hilarious! You know what I'll be doing today then:) Woke up to temp @ 101 and then again 2 hours later and I checked, 101! I will never use this incubator again! There are several more eggs with cracks but none of them have pipped fully yet. I hope they have the strength to get out since this is day 19
Haha, that's hilarious! You know what I'll be doing today then:) Woke up to temp @ 101 and then again 2 hours later and I checked, 101! I will never use this incubator again! There are several more eggs with cracks but none of them have pipped fully yet. I hope they have the strength to get out since this is day 19

Crazy, I hit 101 a couple of times when I was incubating this batch, but I was able to adjust the temp down. I will likely be investing in a better quality thermostat than the disc one that came with my incubator, it is not that reliable. I hope you are innundated with little ones today. I had one egg that piped, and then nothing, it was the first egg to have a hole in it, and so far nothing. I am assuming the chick didn't make it, but will not know until Saturday when I float test the ones that are left, and eggtopsy the rest. Some of mine are heavy, and some are not, so we will have to see what becomes of the remaining 16 eggs.
Crazy, I hit 101 a couple of times when I was incubating this batch, but I was able to adjust the temp down. I will likely be investing in a better quality thermostat than the disc one that came with my incubator, it is not that reliable. I hope you are innundated with little ones today. I had one egg that piped, and then nothing, it was the first egg to have a hole in it, and so far nothing. I am assuming the chick didn't make it, but will not know until Saturday when I float test the ones that are left, and eggtopsy the rest. Some of mine are heavy, and some are not, so we will have to see what becomes of the remaining 16 eggs.

I tried whistling and this one egg that doesn't have a crack yet rocks all over the place every time I do it! I have 8 eggs that have cracks with none broken totally though yet. My incubator temps have been all over the place the whole time. Several mornings I would wake up and it would be at 97 then by mid morning would be 102, a couple times 104, that is why this has been so stressful. I bought an Acurite indoor outdoor thermometer with a built in hydrometer and i put the sensor down one of the vent holes and plug it and that's how I get my readings. I place the back of the thermometer over one of the other vent holes to get the humidity reading since it seems only to record indoor humidity. I'm not sure how accurate it is but it's way better than the thermometer that came with the incubator. I have noticed that all the eggs that have a sort of matte white finish and white speckles on them have no cracks. Strange, wonder if their shells are thicker?
I tried whistling and this one egg that doesn't have a crack yet rocks all over the place every time I do it! I have 8 eggs that have cracks with none broken totally though yet. My incubator temps have been all over the place the whole time. Several mornings I would wake up and it would be at 97 then by mid morning would be 102, a couple times 104, that is why this has been so stressful. I bought an Acurite indoor outdoor thermometer with a built in hydrometer and i put the sensor down one of the vent holes and plug it and that's how I get my readings. I place the back of the thermometer over one of the other vent holes to get the humidity reading since it seems only to record indoor humidity. I'm not sure how accurate it is but it's way better than the thermometer that came with the incubator. I have noticed that all the eggs that have a sort of matte white finish and white speckles on them have no cracks. Strange, wonder if their shells are thicker?

I had some that had thicker shells than others, but that did not seem to make a difference when hatching. Does your house fluctuate temperatures? or is the incubator near a window, or heater vent? the external temp stays between 64 and 68 where my incubator is so the internal temp is less likely to fluctuate. I got
and it works wonderfully. You might also make sure there is light coming in through the windows on the incubator. All of my eggs hatched during daylight hours when there was ample light, I do not know if there is a correlation or not, but its worth a try. I wish I could offer you more, good luck and keep up the faith. They will pop out soon enough.

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