all who are hatching quail

Hmmm I had the humidity going fine when I was doing the test with no eggs but now that I added the eggs yesterday, it's down to 30%. Any suggestions? I am about to leave on vacation for 5 days and really don't want to come back to find they all dried out while I was gone.
My first hatch, 10 of 12, is almost 2 weeks old.

Glad I had a top on the brooder because I came home to what looked like popcorn quail,
The flock all jumping around with some hitting the top 20 inches high!!! Of course by the time I got the video camera out they stopped.

I love my "Quail TV".
12 eggs in the incubator for the Easter hatch a thon.
Today is day 16 (well tonight around 5PM will be 16 days in. I hope everything works out. My wife keeps going over to the bator to see if they are hatching yet
Here's mine, what colors y'all think the pied looking ones will be?

Yay! Congrats on the first born. Lol any more?

So far the only one I hope more hatch that would suck only one

How long do you leave them in incubator before moving them over to the brooder??? I heard 24 hours??

Do you put feed or water in the bator?? I know I know I should know this stuff by now

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