all who are hatching quail

Last of my buttons hatched this morn. Got 15 a&m's in the bator left and I need to take a break after them. I'm being over run'ed by quails. Hahaha
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Wow late to the party on this thread. Today at 8pm is day 17. I put them in lockdown two days. Ran home at lunch today to just stare at the silly things and I saw one move and heard pecking and peeping. That is the first time I have heard anything from them, although I imagined I heard something last night. Maybe I did really hear them.

I have 37 Coturnix that came with my incubator from GQF. So they were shipped. I tried candling them at lock down and 12 actually glowed so they didn't develop and 2 iffy ones and the rest were dark.

This is my first hatch of anything ever and it has been a learning experience for sure.

Just out of curiosity, what do you all use your quail for? Eggs, food, both, to sell, etc?

For you experienced hatchers. How long can they go without food? I wasn't optimistic that any would hatch so I didn't go get food. Now I need to know how long I have. For example, chickens technically have 3 days...... I see that someone said a couple of day but others have said 24 hours.....?
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I like to give them feed within 24 hours normaly get then in a seperate hatching tray im my homade incubator by 12 hours and leave them there for about a day or 2 with feed and water

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