all who are hatching quail

Wow late to the party on this thread. Today at 8pm is day 17. I put them in lockdown two days. Ran home at lunch today to just stare at the silly things and I saw one move and heard pecking and peeping. That is the first time I have heard anything from them, although I imagined I heard something last night. Maybe I did really hear them.

I have 37 Coturnix that came with my incubator from GQF. So they were shipped. I tried candling them at lock down and 12 actually glowed so they didn't develop and 2 iffy ones and the rest were dark.

This is my first hatch of anything ever and it has been a learning experience for sure.

Just out of curiosity, what do you all use your quail for? Eggs, food, both, to sell, etc?

For you experienced hatchers. How long can they go without food? I wasn't optimistic that any would hatch so I didn't go get food. Now I need to know how long I have. For example, chickens technically have 3 days...... I see that someone said a couple of day but others have said 24 hours.....?
Which incubator? I have the 1502 sportmans cabinet and it is very handy
My first quail hatched this evening, bang on day 16. Can't wait to see how many more are there when I wake up :)

He's going to need shoes and tape on both feet though, they're both turned in. Is this a sign something went wrong with the incubation? The floor since lockdown is a nice thin soft textured piece of muslin so he didn't get them caught in wire or anything. Any tips?

4 out now and the feet are fine, he was just curling them up as he was drying. Can you tell this is my first hatch? :D

Well I got 6 in total and none for about 10hrs now. All those who hatched were in the centre of the incubator both during the 14 days and after lockdown, so I am guessing it was warmest there and they developed the most quickly. None have yet hatched from either of the edges - the incubator was not full so I had three groups to space them out.

I'm planning to leave it going for 3 more days until I pick up new eggs to set, in the hope that some will be popping out of the other eggs. Has this happened to anyone else? It's a forced air incubator so I was a little surprised that the only hatchlings were in the middle.

Back from vacation and the incubator did not dry out as I thought it might. We are on day 9 now so rapidly approaching hatch day. I am still only able to get the hygrometer reading up to 44-45% and that is with both the plugs closed. I will open it when hatch date is closer but I worry about the humidity being sooo low. I added extra little cups of water and have it as full as it can get. Does anyone have more ideas for raising humidity level or should I just not worry about it?
Last 2 days you should have higher humidity you should put in some wet sponges i put my water pots under my light bulbs that way i get higher humidity hope it helps

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