all who are hatching quail

Back from vacation and the incubator did not dry out as I thought it might. We are on day 9 now so rapidly approaching hatch day. I am still only able to get the hygrometer reading up to 44-45% and that is with both the plugs closed. I will open it when hatch date is closer but I worry about the humidity being sooo low. I added extra little cups of water and have it as full as it can get. Does anyone have more ideas for raising humidity level or should I just not worry about it?
Where are you located? what is your room humidity? I don't add any water to my bator during incubation and I leave the plugs out the whole time, but I have a styrofoam incubator and live in the midwest.
My incubator is also in my basement by the sump pump, the room has about 60% RH
Well I got 6 in total and none for about 10hrs now. All those who hatched were in the centre of the incubator both during the 14 days and after lockdown, so I am guessing it was warmest there and they developed the most quickly. None have yet hatched from either of the edges - the incubator was not full so I had three groups to space them out.

I'm planning to leave it going for 3 more days until I pick up new eggs to set, in the hope that some will be popping out of the other eggs. Has this happened to anyone else? It's a forced air incubator so I was a little surprised that the only hatchlings were in the middle.

any more hatch? I ustreamed my last hatch so my nieces in a different state could watch them hatch too. Wouldn't you know 12 hatched before they got home from school and the other 12 didn't hatch until way after they went to bed. I think they like to mess with our heads.
I am wondering about trying to hatch my next batch of eggs up right in trays or cartons wat do u all think ive always done it on the sides bit thinkin about trying half and half to c wat works beter
15 quails hatched out of 27 eggs - on day 18
They are 30 hours old now, and the other 12 eggs still in the incubator. How long should I leave them there before giving up?
I can's see or hear any activity.
My first attempt at hatching quail and 13 have hatched! Number 14 is zipped & should appear any moment.

I set 54 eggs, all laid by the adult quail that I purchased earlier this year. Forty eggs made it to lock down. With the cold weather, it's been hard to get the eggs before they get too cold so I'm surprised that many developed!

I'm already saving eggs for the next hatch!

Now here is my BIG surprise.... All my quail are Jumbo Brown Coturnix. All the eggs I incubated were laid by my quail. My 13th quail chick to hatch is white!

So, since I have no white quail this must be a recessive white. It appears to have a little spot of black on it's back. Texas A&M? English White? I'm thinking I read something about a recessive white, but didn't pay much attention since I expected the chicks would all be the same as my adult quail!

I'll post photos in the morning when it's dried off.
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Only 7 out of my 30 cpq quail eggs have hatched but this was my first time incubating! The others I think I'm going to give a bit longer as today is day 19. They are so cute! I can't wait to incubate more!!!!! lol

Only 7 out of my 30 cpq quail eggs have hatched but this was my first time incubating! The others I think I'm going to give a bit longer as today is day 19. They are so cute! I can't wait to incubate more!!!!! lol

woohooo! I would wait also. It is VERY addicting!

My first attempt at hatching quail and 13 have hatched! Number 14 is zipped & should appear any moment.

Now here is my BIG surprise.... All my quail are Jumbo Brown Coturnix. All the eggs I incubated were laid by my quail. My 13th quail chick to hatch is white!

So, since I have no white quail this must be a recessive white. It appears to have a little spot of black on it's back. Texas A&M? English White? I'm thinking I read something about a recessive white, but didn't pay much attention since I expected the chicks would all be the same as my adult quail!
I know nothing about the gene's, but that sounds sweeet!

I am wondering about trying to hatch my next batch of eggs up right in trays or cartons wat do u all think ive always done it on the sides bit thinkin about trying half and half to c wat works beter
I hatch upright in trays. I like it. It's less mess and the unhatched eggs don't get kicked around like soccer balls.Less stress for me

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