all who are hatching quail

My first quail hatch is going well. Set 122 eggs in lockdown on day 15, around 1/3 hatched by morning of day 17 and 3/4 by that evening, more during the night. 4 more hatched day 18 (had to help two that had pipped and zipped but dried out in shells and were stuck). Have one pipped now and 9 more not doing anything. Very happy with all my babies. I did candle and cull out 44 that I didn't put into lockdown, most were clear and a few stopped developing. Still a good hatch rate :).
Finally pulled the shell off my little straggler. It is still breathing but not unbent and seems to have its head stuck to its wing feathers. I don't know if I should try to wash it to help it finally get out of its egg shape or what. It did also have a little bit of the yolk still out so I left that bit attached and put it back in the incubator.
Finally pulled the shell off my little straggler.  It is still breathing but not unbent and seems to have its head stuck to its wing feathers.  I don't know if I should try to wash it to help it finally get out of its egg shape or what. It did also have a little bit of the yolk still out so I left that bit attached and put it back in the incubator.

That's how one of mine was yesterday, when they dry to much in the shell they get "stuck" together. I used warm water and slowly separated his body parts so he could straighten out. The poor thing was so tired from trying to get out on his own.

Congrats to everyone on their hatches!
I'm curious, is everyone hatching quail to eat the eggs, sell the eggs, eat the quail, or hatch out and sell the quail? I decided to hatch some because I love to eat quail and already had my incubator going with lots of room while I'm waiting on my peafowl to start laying. Researched how easy they are to incubate and raise, and went for it. Now my daughter has decided to make a summer project out of them. We are going to keep around a dozen females and 4 cocks for her to collect the eggs from all summer. We will eat some, sell some and hatch out some and see if we can sell them. The rest of my first large hatch will go in the freezer. I know mine are only a few days old and still hatching, but I can see how this could be addicting.
What type of waterer do you use on the young chicks??? I'm using the one quart chick waterer with marbles in it. I'm amaized at how much they run though the water walking on the marbles, then get water on the paper towels around the waterer. The 1 quart isn't even lasting 24 hours because they are waisting so much water! Does anyone make one that the trough is to small for them to walk in? Or do they stop walking in it after a few days and start drinking from the side like chicken chicks do??
That's how one of mine was yesterday, when they dry to much in the shell they get "stuck" together. I used warm water and slowly separated his body parts so he could straighten out. The poor thing was so tired from trying to get out on his own.

Congrats to everyone on their hatches!

Ok, I got his head unstuck. He is still breathing but just weak and floppy. Left him in incubator. Hope he pulls through. Poor guy. He's a little fighter.

Some of my new babies.

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