all who are hatching quail

What type of waterer do you use on the young chicks??? I'm using the one quart chick waterer with marbles in it. I'm amaized at how much they run though the water walking on the marbles, then get water on the paper towels around the waterer. The 1 quart isn't even lasting 24 hours because they are waisting so much water! Does anyone make one that the trough is to small for them to walk in? Or do they stop walking in it after a few days and start drinking from the side like chicken chicks do??

I use the one quart with the quail base and little pebbles in the water. Not much waste that I've noticed.
I had a weird hatch this time. I'm just hatching for someone else not sure what they are going to do with them but, he gave me 77 eggs . I had one hatch on day 15, 9 more on day 16, 35 on day 17. 2 died; one in incubator and one in brooder this morning. I float tested the remaining eggs. 3 were still alive. They hatched out this afternoon. Usually these little guys hatch pretty quick. Also they were huddling/ piling in a corner in the incubator like they were cold.but my temps couldn't have been to cold if they hatched early??
Just when you think you may have a incubating plan, they got to mix it up!
Quote: I have the quart jars too with marbles, but I just bought chicken nipples and have one of those in there attached to a water bottle. They all came running to it when I put it in, but I'm not sure they are all using it yet, I left the quart waterer in there too jut to make sure. The nipple is closer to the heat and jar is out of the light the food is in between the two waterers.
Well the little guy I tried to help didn't make it. I think I got him out of the egg too late and he just struggled too long. It was almost 24 hours before I got him out. Still have my 9 and about 10 eggs left in the incubator. I didn't hear any peeping from the eggs and I'm not sure how to float test them but I'll give them another day before taking them out. No signs of pipping on any of those.
Well the little guy I tried to help didn't make it. I think I got him out of the egg too late and he just struggled too long. It was almost 24 hours before I got him out. Still have my 9 and about 10 eggs left in the incubator. I didn't hear any peeping from the eggs and I'm not sure how to float test them but I'll give them another day before taking them out. No signs of pipping on any of those.
to float test get a small cup of warm not hot water. If they aren't pipped, don't test any that have pipped you will drown them. Set them in the water the ones alive will wiggle, (like when they rock before hatch) it will be noticeable. the others will just sit there, float high or sink.
You can try it tomorrow before you throw them out.
after I did this, I quickly rinsed out my bator bottom and added new water. It was really smelly. My sink is in the same room as my incubator and I did it fast.
i have 59 button eggs that were shipped to me form two different people in the bator right now.

30 will have been in the bator a week at 12:20am thursday...this morning at 2am i candled a few and got to see a tiny baby wiggling around! its was so cute!

the other 29 eggs will have been in the bator a week on friday.

the first 30's hatchdate is the 13th and the 29's hatchdate is the 14th
to float test get a small cup of warm not hot water. If they aren't pipped, don't test any that have pipped you will drown them. Set them in the water the ones alive will wiggle, (like when they rock before hatch) it will be noticeable. the others will just sit there, float high or sink.
You can try it tomorrow before you throw them out.
after I did this, I quickly rinsed out my bator bottom and added new water. It was really smelly. My sink is in the same room as my incubator and I did it fast.

Thanks. I checked them all this morning and none of them moved or had any pipping going on. Now I can start my next batch of eggs. Oh and join Egg Incubators Anonymous.
Hi there-we just hatched our first quail and I'm hoping all of you veteran hatchers may be able to help. We used a brand new Brinsea mini eco, temp set at a rock solid 99.5 degrees, humidity at 50%, 65% for hatch, turned eggs 3X/day, hatched on day 18.
We hatched 9 babies, 2 had spraddle leg off the bat. We splinted their legs and one recovered within 24 hours, the other was doing just "OK." Within 48 hours after hatch, the same one developed wry neck. I was dropper feeding, administering Poly Vi Sol vitamin drops, Gatorade, and on Day 3 the chick was so bad and suffering, we decided to cull. Therefore, we were down to 8, but all seemed healthy. Now on day 5, we have one chick that is noticably smaller then the rest (which are all growing rapidly.) We started paying a bit more attn. to this one overnight, and this am he is so weak, laying on his side, almost seems unable to stand on both feet, possibly off balance? Now I'm getting worried that something could be going on. I've been trying to find info on here, but there is just SO much it's hard to sort through-Marek's, Cocci, Stargazing?
Chicks are in a solid wood brooder box-no drafts, heat lamp at 95 degrees, nipple waterer that they've all been using just fine with apple cider vinegar added in (so it stays clean), game bird starter non-medicated crumble in feeder and sprinkled around, brooding on paper towels and shelf liner that is changed daily.
I am brooding 5 baby cochin chicks on the other side of the same box (separated by hardware cloth) and now I'm getting worried if the quail are carrying something that it could also spread to my cochin chicks. Any advise is so appreciated! Thanks!
to float test get a small cup of warm not hot water. If they aren't pipped, don't test any that have pipped you will drown them. Set them in the water the ones alive will wiggle, (like when they rock before hatch) it will be noticeable. the others will just sit there, float high or sink.
You can try it tomorrow before you throw them out.
after I did this, I quickly rinsed out my bator bottom and added new water. It was really smelly. My sink is in the same room as my incubator and I did it fast.
Thank you for posting how to do a float test. The 6 unhatched eggs from my hatch were all early quitters. After doing the float test, we candled from the side while slowly turning the egg. We had just quickly candled at lockdown and if there was a large dark area, we put it back in the incubator. It was interesting to look more closely at them after they failed the float test. The air pocket was big but could only be seen from one side and the embryo was not big so an early quitter rather than a dead at full term.

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