all who are hatching quail

I got 40 or so Jumbo white Texas A&M Conturnix this weekend, so far one is pipping,,I have them in my homemade igloo cooler hatcher total cost of building was$12 for thermostat & gas to drive 5 mile to get it...If i new how easy it was to build I may not have paid 200 plus for a incubator...HAHAHH....How do you sex BobWhites ? ANybody? Plus this is my first hatch for quail...shipped eggs...For some reason I am not able to candle them ..those eggs are different that hen eggs...Much more,,,I could feel the difference in the weight of the eggs, also some seemed a little slooshie when moved,,I know not a word >slooshie< Any tip would be greatly appreciated
Hi Alaska Fowl. I am in Anchorage. I have a mess of Coturnix and Chocolate bantam orps hatching Tuesday. Candling quail is easy. If you cant see through it something is in it. Lightbulbs are no good. Good luck. I know nothing of Bobs except I dislike them in my brooder.
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i had one chick hatch about 10pm lat and and this morning when i got up i still only have/had one chick...when should the others hatch? are they maybe shrink wrapped in the egg? do i need to maybe help them? i really dont want this chick to be by itself forever

today marks 18 days for half the eggs and 17 days for the other half . temp is 99.5-100 and humidity is 75%

also these are button quail eggs

i'm waiting for them as paitently as i can and a couple people have said that shipped eggs can cant a couple extra days but i'm worried

someone local said the one a couple eggs i should open the big end where the air sack is and see if there are live moving breathing chicks in there but i dont think i should do that

please help! i'm probably worrying for nothing but i dont want this one chick to be alone anymore
i had one chick hatch about 10pm lat and and this morning when i got up i still only have/had one chick...when should the others hatch? are they maybe shrink wrapped in the egg? do i need to maybe help them? i really dont want this chick to be by itself forever

today marks 18 days for half the eggs and 17 days for the other half . temp is 99.5-100 and humidity is 75%

also these are button quail eggs

i'm waiting for them as paitently as i can and a couple people have said that shipped eggs can cant a couple extra days but i'm worried

someone local said the one a couple eggs i should open the big end where the air sack is and see if there are live moving breathing chicks in there but i dont think i should do that

please help! i'm probably worrying for nothing but i dont want this one chick to be alone anymore
Say ..I just had this happen to me,,,Jumbo Texas A&M quail..I had 40

plus...But hatched out just 7...I know the feeling..mine came a long ways from Tennessee.. Lucky 7
Hi Alaska Fowl. I am in Anchorage. I have a mess of Coturnix and Chocolate bantam orps hatching Tuesday. Candling quail is easy. If you cant see through it something is in it. Lightbulbs are no good. Good luck. I know nothing of Bobs except I dislike them in my brooder.
What? No love for Bobs,,,,,,Ahh come on they taste great,,,,,LOL love for Bobs???? LOL....They are all I will keep. Such class, beauty and intelligence! LOL They are definitely a piece of work to keep, however they grow on you eventually and you will come to love their "uncouth monster" personalities. LOL
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