all who are hatching quail

How do you all monitor your egg progression? does anyone candle these small eggs? or weigh them? or is it more of a set your temps and cross your fingers?
I don't do anything with mine. However, I set about 300-600 eggs weekly. When I first started incubating and was doing 20-40 eggs a week I would candle and look for shadows or clear around day 7-8, but now I don't do anything just put them in, put them into the hatcher and see what happens!
Day 17 and nothing yet
my 10yo called me all day at work to update me...she is so worried. I told her we still have time...I hope
My coturnix hatch anywhere from day 16-19. I never know. I used to not take them out of the turner until day 16 and then had a couple batches that HATCHED in my turner day 16 so now I take them out at day 14!
Hi guys!! I just set 23 button Quail last night. It's my first time hatching quail and I'm a little nervous. Those eggs are so tiny. Any advice for a first time quail hatch? I've read lots of articles on it, but they all seem to contradict each other.
Try not to overthink it but be prepared for what ever may happen. Be patient that first hatch probably even the first couple can be so exciting they exhaust you.
Yay one is moving and pipping!!!! Our 1st batch was quick to was dry running around at 6am and the other looked like it unzipped its egg and popped right out lol!!!!
How long does it usually take??? We can see the beak peeking out...but its been 2 hrs??? Jeepers its stressful. If our 1st hatch didn't pop right out I wouldnt be so nervous lol!!!
You might want to search assisting hatches just in case it takes to much longer or it appears weak. Sometimes they pip before they are ready sometimes other things go wrong look at that it should give you some good info. I will go see if I can find it and post it.

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