all who are hatching quail

I breed Japanese quails, just recently started breeding white ones so I hope the chicks turn out to be white too. I had 3 little chick hatch the other day, they're adorable, should be expecting some more in a weeks time. Enjoy your quail breeding
Oh now your testing me LOL. Lets see if I can remember, they are all labeled at home, Turmeric, Tansy, Echinacea, ginger, mints, cayenne pepper, been, yarrow (when it cooperates here), sweet everlasting and many others. I'm also sure there are some I'm growing for other reasons and have not ventured into their medicinal uses. Turmeric is the one I use most widely but only recently say the last year. It's amazing stuff.
what do you use it for? i would love to grow some natural health boosters for my birds. just had to do a respiratory infection preventive to my flock and would much rather grow stuff that would help instead of tainting their water with meds
Came home to find one more in the hatcher...looks like it might have a wry neck...or was just lookin at me funny through the window in my hovabator! Its still wet so ill give it time to fluff before i make any decisions.
I think someone stole some chicks last night. The wire is to small for anything to get in and there are no openings. I had two mystery hatchlings that came out blond that are gone. I am so heart broken. No signs of foul play. 30 plus just vanished during the night.
I think someone stole some chicks last night. The wire is to small for anything to get in and there are no openings. I had two mystery hatchlings that came out blond that are gone. I am so heart broken. No signs of foul play. 30 plus just vanished during the night.
That sucks I had someone come and let all my quail out before, just opened all the quail cages and I lost almost all of them. I'm really sorry to hear that :(
I think someone stole some chicks last night. The wire is to small for anything to get in and there are no openings. I had two mystery hatchlings that came out blond that are gone. I am so heart broken. No signs of foul play. 30 plus just vanished during the night.

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