all who are hatching quail

I think someone stole some chicks last night. The wire is to small for anything to get in and there are no openings. I had two mystery hatchlings that came out blond that are gone. I am so heart broken. No signs of foul play. 30 plus just vanished during the night.

30 chicks!? Id be keeping an eye for sure...cant hide that many too easily
I think someone stole some chicks last night. The wire is to small for anything to get in and there are no openings. I had two mystery hatchlings that came out blond that are gone. I am so heart broken. No signs of foul play. 30 plus just vanished during the night.

The gentleman that I bought my used quail cages from used to raise bobwhites. He told me that in one evening he had $3000 of quail stolen. Then he started keeping locks instead of snaps on his cage doors. At least they would have to work harder to steal them.
I live in the country and worry about people scoping out my birds when they come and buy chicks. I have chickens, quail and peafowl. But it would be a real pain to always have to meet people elsewhere. It's really sad that we have to worry about our hobby being stollen. Sorry for your loss.
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. I'm more worried about them dieing from not being taken care of than the fact that someone took them. The weirdest thing is they left 20 behind l my breeders, my parrots, my chickens everything else. But locks are getting installed on all cages tomorrow night and our gates are already double padlocked, my husband installed locks on the patio door today where their cages are. We also installed motion lights. He wants to put barbed wire over the top of the fence LOL then cameras. It's gonna be like fort Knox here.
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. I'm more worried about them dieing from not being taken care of than the fact that someone took them. The weirdest thing is they left 20 behind l my breeders, my parrots, my chickens everything else. But locks are getting installed on all cages tomorrow night and our gates are already double padlocked, my husband installed locks on the patio door today where their cages are. We also installed motion lights. He wants to put barbed wire over the top of the fence LOL then cameras. It's gonna be like fort Knox here.

Thats what you gotta do. Between the dogs and the guineas no one can sneak up on us
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. I'm more worried about them dieing from not being taken care of than the fact that someone took them. The weirdest thing is they left 20 behind l my breeders, my parrots, my chickens everything else. But locks are getting installed on all cages tomorrow night and our gates are already double padlocked, my husband installed locks on the patio door today where their cages are. We also installed motion lights. He wants to put barbed wire over the top of the fence LOL then cameras. It's gonna be like fort Knox here.

Poultry poaching can be a capital offense in my yard.
I think it may be a felony were I am. If you steal oranges from a grove it a felony and I think any ag. Business falls under this law. But I have no proof they are my birds. They weren't banded and no cameras yet.
Lol I have a dog but she would sleep through your 20 gauge and my 12 gauge. My parrots are usually good alarms which is what really freaks me out because it means they know them.
I originally bought 100 Texas A&M eggs ,35 hatched ,raised all 35 .They started laying ,and I put every egg in the incubator .My hatch rates kept getting better , and I have raised over 500 to maturity from those original 35 . I added a few new males from another breeder . I have 128 in the incubator , and 90 in the indoor brooder .Over 400 in all .
Thank you Fireflynights for the feeding info. Great stuff. I've just hot to track down some growing seeds. I'm also in a hot and humid climate. On another note, so sorry for all of you past or present who have had your birds stolen. That is devastating and making me rethink our latching system.

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