all who are hatching quail

incubating bobwhites that just started laying and mountain quail laid about 6 eggs only on candle with chick. figured that i didnt get them gather quick enough as weather here is sub 0 most of the time now. have 6 bob eggs (northern) all but one is candle fertile. hatch out 72 coturnix on christmas day and another 65 on new years. keeping lights on them and watching for more eggs. will start another batch of cotrunix soon averaging about 50 eggs a day on coturnix.
It's very soon for the bobwhites and mountain quails to start laying I think, and the temperature is very cold!!!! Good look in the incubation!!!!
Random question... ever since my chicks have started getting their feathers I thought I had a cold... but 5 weeks later I am still a wheezebag. Could it be that I am allergic to the quail? There are 8 of them living in my living room. I've kept birds before, but not as many and not as big.

Thoughts welcome.
It doesn't have any problem for the chick who is developing inside the egg. But not let the egg in the water a lot of time and don't put cracked eggs, th water willkill the embryo.
Random question... ever since my chicks have started getting their feathers I thought I had a cold... but 5 weeks later I am still a wheezebag. Could it be that I am allergic to the quail? There are 8 of them living in my living room. I've kept birds before, but not as many and not as big.

Thoughts welcome.

I would tend to guess it is more likely the dust they kick up being in the house.? My guess.
It's very soon for the bobwhites and mountain quails to start laying I think, and the temperature is very cold!!!! Good look in the incubation!!!!
yes i know its early for mountain and bobwhites to be laying but i can assure you mine are. i have heaty lamps on them in there houses because it get to 30 below here, been told that also makes them lay sooner out of the mountain eggs i am sure 5 of the 6 froze only one has developed its due to hatch on the 3rd of Feb and looking very good on candle. out of the 7 bob eggs so far 5 of them showing vein development after 2 days in incubator bobs are laying 1-2 eggs a day right now, mountian quit laying.

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