all who are hatching quail

Bruiser I remove chicks from the 'bator as soon as they are DRY, just remember that when you open the lid the humidity is falling, so do something to spike it back up when you close it.
@Bruiserdog99 , WooHoo! Doing a
for all of your pipping and hatching babies!

Tomorrow is Day 16 for my first expected quail hatch. My incubator has not been the most stable this go around, so I'll be happy if I get even just a few. Just a few days after I put them in the incubator, we had rain for a few days and the humidity went through the roof even though I didn't put any water in the incubator. And now the weather has turned super dry, and I'm fighting to get the humidity up. Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll have pips, zips and chicks come morning...

I woke up to one this morning to a chick and at least 6 more look like they will hatch today. i was given this incubator and its from 86 really cool looking thing works great i realized at day 3 that egg turner wasnt hooked up correctly so i took the eggs out for 5 min to fix it but couldn't ill have to fix once they hatch so i wasn't sure if they would hatch but there doing fine fingers crossed for more chicks theres 15 eggs in there now if i can get 8 i would be happy.
well i got up this morning and one of my chicks was gasping his last breath, i had 7 eggs hatch of the 23 in the bator :( but 2 did quick i have 2 that are bumble footed but they still hope around. theone that was really bad we did the medical tape thing on its' feet , it took the tape off itself in about 3 hours lol so just gonna let it go i guess. the one that died was one of the strong ones that was running all around the brooder yesterday. he was fully covered in fluff and was getting big. idk what happened. i looked it over and didnt see anything , but not really sure what i was looking for either.
well i got up this morning and one of my chicks was gasping his last breath, i had 7 eggs hatch of the 23 in the bator :( but 2 did quick i have 2 that are bumble footed but they still hope around. theone that was really bad we did the medical tape thing on its' feet , it took the tape off itself in about 3 hours lol so just gonna let it go i guess. the one that died was one of the strong ones that was running all around the brooder yesterday. he was fully covered in fluff and was getting big. idk what happened. i looked it over and didnt see anything , but not really sure what i was looking for either.
I'm pretty sure you mean their feet are curled. Bumble foot is a bacterial infection.
Ok thank you thats really good advice.
I have a spray bottle with warm water i mist the eggs with, as long as there aren't any big holes in eggs. Don't want to drawn the chicks with too much water though. Just very light mist over the to of eggs, not directly on them.
So the two bobwhites that hatched late last night seem fine, a little wobbly still but are eating and drinking and moving around. Maybe the other ones just weren't ready but with all the coturnix hatching it confused them lol

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