Almost done with chick starter,now what?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 11, 2013
New Lebanon,Ohio
As the title says my mini flock of five red sex links are roughly 6 weeks old and they are on their last bag of chick starter. The problem Im having is Im not sure what to give them next.Growing up my grandfather would always feed cracked corn to the few we had.Ive seen all different kinds of feed at my local Tractor Supply store which will probably be my go to place for feed since its so close.My question is which feed do i go to next? Any suggestions or info would be greatly appreciated.
After 3 or 4 weeks I switch to an all-flock type of feed. When they (if these are pullets we're talking about) start to lay, switch to layer pellets or mash. Corn is a good treat but isn't enough for them nutritionally speaking.
After 3 or 4 weeks I switch to an all-flock type of feed. When they (if these are pullets we're talking about) start to lay, switch to layer pellets or mash. Corn is a good treat but isn't enough for them nutritionally speaking.
So do I need to gradually ween them off the chick starter and into the all flock type feed, or is it ok just to go straight to it?
Both times I've bought birds they have ended up with diareah for a few days so I'm guessing that's from changing feeds. So just for that reason I'd mix the rest of your chick starter 50/50 with a pullet grower mix then when that's gone just give straight grower.
That is what I do. Mix what they was and what they are going to get. And yes, that is why they get diarrhea. They are not used to it yet. I think that it is to strong for them straight. Hope it helped ya some.

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