almost two week old chick with a problem


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 5, 2010
I'm new to this forum and have a question. I have chicks that are 11 days old. All are doing really well, but one, a barred rock, is runtish. She arrived in the mail in a semi shock, but quickly got out of that. She's a bit sluggish and tends to lie down a lot. She's drinking and eating and gets up when she needs to. But today I noticed that her wings are coming in without many feathers. Any idea what is going on?
PS: I have my chicks in the Bronx in Riverdale. Any other chicken folks here?
Maybe some are slower than others, dunno. I am fairly new too.
she may not thrive - you have to understand that on average half of the chicks never make it to adulthood - many different reasons - internal defects from the egg, stress from the box. Its hard to be small.

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