Am I a Welsummer, or what?

My brown leghorns give a whole new meaning to the term "flighty" but them's are some egg-layin fools. Just don't ever trap her in the coop - she'll kill herself trying to get away or you'll get a face full of screamin squawking chicken trying to GET OUT!
My Welsummers are not that way screaming bloody murder but talk your ear off LOL! At least mine does. I have one that just keeps her distance but scolds me for intruding her space in the chicken run.

All for the more reason, you would definately need more Welsummers...lots of it!

They really are similar, aren't they? Color-wise at least.

My husband's response to me telling him they weren't Welsummers?

Oh great. Now I guess you want to buy some eggs.

The man knows me all too well.

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