Am I doing this wrong?

I can tell you that I bought a tumbler, and it is a total waste of time and money. I do use it, but don't expect much return from it. Mostly put my compostables in during the snow months.

You have received some good advice here. What you have in your barrels is an anaerobic sludge. (similar to the contents of a septic tank.) Not a pretty picture, and capable of stinking up an entire neighborhood. You say you don't want a pile in the open b/c of kids running around in your small yard. A correctly designed compost bin can be inexpensive, while keeping the compost contained, and will produce lots of wonderful compost with very little effort. Can you spare a 4 x 4 or 4 x 8 space? If so, you can build 1 or 2 bins, using pallets if you don't want to actually build them yourself. Then, all you do is layer your manure with copious additions of high carbon materials. I suggest that you do a google search regarding how to build a compost pile.

Composting is not at all difficult. But you have to understand the process. You need to understand the principle of layering the correct ratio of high carbon materials to high nitrogen materials, supplying the right amount of water, and seeing to it that your pile is aerated. Do this, and it will make it'self.
Thank you everybody! After taking in everyone's advice and seeing for myself that the DIY tumbler isn't going to work, I have sectioned off a small area in the yard for a compost pile using 2x4s and transferred the sludge from the barrel (a very unpleasant job.)

All this time I thought using barrels would save my yard from smelling and it was probably making it worse!

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