ameracauna/aracauna contest ends May 31st (Closed)

Why are Ameraucanas and Aracaunas always lumped together when they are clearly two seperate breeds ... and the birds they say are Ameraucana/Aracaunas are actually Easter Eggers?
"and the birds they say are Ameraucana/Aracaunas are actually Easter Eggers?"

only the ones from hatcheries are EE's

You can get true Ameraucana and Aracauna from breeders.

like my Ameraucana

1. Name. n/a
2. Age..6 wks.
3. Color ... Wheaten
4. Variety ... Ameracauna
5. Category ....chick
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Name: Hoppi
Age: Adult, 1 year old (dob March 2008)
Breed: Ameraucana
Color: Dark Brown/Gold Laced
Category: Adult Hen

Hoppi lost her leg as a chick and is unable to stand now, which is why her pictures as an adult are of her laying down. She gets about by using her wings and hopping along. She didn't lay an egg for the first year of her life, then about a month ago, out came a perfect light blue egg. She has laid 3 since. I almost wish she wouldn't as I know it must be hard on her.

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