Ameracauna or EE


10 Years
Jul 4, 2009
Grassflat, Pa
We have standard Ameracauna's all differant colors running together ( blue wheaton, white, brown red) They are my husbands chickens ( if it was up to me they would be sep. by color) Any way would the chicks be considered Ameracauna or EE? I feel we should consider them EE. He says Ameracauna. Any input would be great Thanks!!!
I am sure someone will chime in, but Ameracaunas ONLY lay blue eggs. Any other color egg and you got a batch of EEs.
If you just crossbred different colors of Ameraucana I believe they'd still be Ameraucanas, just not APA recognized colors. The rest would still genetically and physically qualify, just not the color. However, I'm not 100% sure on this. I myself would still call it so, though. After all - Lavenders, Blue Wheatens, and improved colors (such as Silver) were once crossbred through color to have their current type.

Also, if the Ameraucana does not lay a true blue egg, well - That's sometimes common. They can also be blue-green or a minty green at times.
They only lay blue eggs, one lays a blue/green but more on the blue side. I know they are Ameracauna but want to know what we should call them when we sell the chicks. I only want to be up front and honest.
The off spring would be EE's.
If you go to the Ameraucana Breeders Club they say if it doesn’t fully meet breed/ variety description as in the APA or ABA standards or even if meets the APA or ABA standards but doesn’t breed true at least 50% of the time it is a EE.

Mixed color Ameraucanas are EE's to me and most Ameraucana breeders that I've spoken with. Best thing is just to be upfront with buyers and say they are from Ameraucana parents, but are mixed colors (therefore don't meet the standard) and let the buyer decide if they are Ameraucanas or EE's. I don't think it would be very ethical to just say they are Ameraucanas, True Ameraucanas, or charge Ameraucana prices for them. Nothing wrong with EE's they are beautiful too!
The OP was referring to feather color , not egg color .
Personally , I would think it would be misleading and therefore ethicly wrong to refer to a bird that can't be successfully shown as an Ameraucana , as an Ameraucana . Falling under that same category would be an Ameraucana that looks to be of a recognized variety but is of mixed variaties and will therefore not breed true .
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Technically they are EE's though I think that is hard for some people to understand, esp when its hard enough to understand that the vast majority of so-called Ameraucanas are EEs.
Look at it this way...offspring from these wont breed true. You will get mixed color plumage or if you have a visual color it still could throw funky colors down the line.
I just think folks dont want to be surprised, so if anyone sells anything be as honest as you can.
I think most people understand you have to have like color to like to produce like so they could understand why mixing colors would give unpredictable results.
"They are EE's bc they come from a mixed color flock but come from pure parents" is about as simple as one can make that.

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