Ameracauna's "muff" is gone?


8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
Central Wisconsin
Well it was there yesterday...but today the tufts of feathers on my white Ameracauna pullet's face, "muff", is gone... I did notice that a few of my birds where nibbling at their legs and itching their faces but nothing extreme. As a precaution against leg mites I wiped all 37 chickens legs down with a mix of vegitable oil, tea tree oil, and an itty bit of lice shampoo. I also bought a 40 lb bad of DE and dusted their coop, roost, dust area and feed. At first I thought they were just bothered by our very numerous gnat population, some of which bite, but now I'm not so sure. My other Ameracauna still have their muffs intact, any ideas?
suki'smom :

Well it was there yesterday...but today the tufts of feathers on my white Ameracauna pullet's face, "muff", is gone... I did notice that a few of my birds where nibbling at their legs and itching their faces but nothing extreme. As a precaution against leg mites I wiped all 37 chickens legs down with a mix of vegitable oil, tea tree oil, and an itty bit of lice shampoo. I also bought a 40 lb bad of DE and dusted their coop, roost, dust area and feed. At first I thought they were just bothered by our very numerous gnat population, some of which bite, but now I'm not so sure. My other Ameracauna still have their muffs intact, any ideas?

Is she being picked on?
My Buff likes to pull the face feathers off of my EE's when there having a bad day.​
I don't think so, I mean I've never seen anyone go after her. They have lots of space and free range several hours a day. None of my birds are really bullies. I don't see and mites or anything. I did notice my one Welsummer's face looks like it has a scratch on it and is a bit red. Maybe from itching? I just hope I'm not missing something.
My Buff Orp pulled the beards outs of my EEs. And I only saw her do it once. I think perhaps she does it on the roost at night. So, could be it. Hopefully it's not little bugs that you can't see...
Hmmm that could be it then. I do have 5 buff orps. Geez what do orps have against muffs LOL Its just the strangest thing. With the few nibbling at their legs it had me worried. I'm still kinda worried...
Those beards and muffs are good targets while they are sitting on nests if another wants to pluck them out. Also, they do molt them out. Mine often go beardless for awhile even when their back feathers have grown in well.
Yay Chicks! :

My Buff Orp pulled the beards outs of my EEs. And I only saw her do it once. I think perhaps she does it on the roost at night. So, could be it. Hopefully it's not little bugs that you can't see...

My buffs try to pick at Bearded Lady on the roost at night. Fortunately Bearded Lady is one tough chicken and remains mostly intact.​
My oldest EE is almost 8...she goes back and forth between having a beard and not much of one. When she gets a beard, it looks scragglier every time. I see no signs of mites or of other birds plucking have to assume hers is from age. She does look in the face like an old lady chicken
Mine aren't molting as they are only 7 weeks old. Been keeping a close eye out for pecking behavior but have yet to see it except towards the 4 week olds, even then it is very minor. I did notice a lack of face scratching and leg nibbling today. Maybe my efforts from yesterday have taken effect?

I find it very interesting how the rest of your birds vary in stages of beardedness (new word
LOL) That's really neat and I suppose it will be something I'll see in the future.

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