Ameraucana has gone broody 2x in past month?

Apr 30, 2018
Tooele, UT
My girl, Wizzygig, went broody in mid-March and now she’s gone broody again! Bizerk is the the best word to describe when I pushed her off the nest box. I then put her out to pasture for a day! Sure enough, bizerk again then jumped back into nest box. So, again, removed her to our basement into our ICU/brood breaker crate. Will this keep going every month?
My girl, Wizzygig, went broody in mid-March and now she’s gone broody again! Bizerk is the the best word to describe when I pushed her off the nest box. I then put her out to pasture for a day! Sure enough, bizerk again then jumped back into nest box. So, again, removed her to our basement into our ICU/brood breaker crate. Will this keep going every month?View attachment 2114567View attachment 2114569
You never really know. I had a BA that went broody 3 times last year.
I have a white ameraucana girl that has had babies twice this year already. Her first bunch only made it about 2 weeks before they disappeared due to hawks. Then a week later she disappeared. And a month after that she came bopping back around with 8 little fuzzy faced babies in tow. I also have around a dozen BA's that have just hatched off babies or are still sitting on eggs. I just set a bunch of blue and olive eggs under one of my girls so hopefully I'll get some more colored layers.
You ought to let your girl hatch off some eggs of your choosing. They really love being mothers!
I have a white ameraucana girl that has had babies twice this year already. Her first bunch only made it about 2 weeks before they disappeared due to hawks. Then a week later she disappeared. And a month after that she came bopping back around with 8 little fuzzy faced babies in tow. I also have around a dozen BA's that have just hatched off babies or are still sitting on eggs. I just set a bunch of blue and olive eggs under one of my girls so hopefully I'll get some more colored layers.
You ought to let your girl hatch off some eggs of your choosing. They really love being mothers!
I don’t have any roosters... I only have girls and although I would love to give Wizzygig the joy of hatching a clutch, dear hubby is not a fan of chicken, I am destined to “break” her but I don’t like it!
I don’t have any roosters... I only have girls and although I would love to give Wizzygig the joy of hatching a clutch, dear hubby is not a fan of chicken, I am destined to “break” her but I don’t like it!
Tell dear hubby that chickens are in high demand right now and you can easily sell the chicks once their mother weens them. Find someone near you selling hatching eggs.
I had a bird that went broody 7 times a few summers ago,
that was after I let her hatch in March.
I kept breaking her but she'd go again after a few weeks.
I finally gave her away, and she never went broody again.
So, I guess from the responses, that Wizzygig is destined to be the "one" who I can reliably predict will be the broody of the bunch...I have to say a big, "Thank You" to @EggWalrus for their kind words and offer...I do wish I could have Wizzygig hatch some babies but because of limited run space and ranging conditions (too many predators), I feel I would be irresponsible to increase my flock size...I currently have 10 girls...and they are ALL spoiled rotten!!!

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