Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Here are two of my lovely babies. I have 2 blacks and 7 blues. There's one more in the incubator that hasn't pipped. I don't know if it will or not.




The others are sleeping and I didn't want to bother them. I need to band their legs today and keep track of them.

Congratulations, Nicole!
Here are two of my lovely babies. I have 2 blacks and 7 blues. There's one more in the incubator that hasn't pipped. I don't know if it will or not.



The others are sleeping and I didn't want to bother them. I need to band their legs today and keep track of them.

OH my look at all that fluffy cuteness!!!! Love them!
Thank you!

I gave the Easter eggers to a friend of mine. She'll take awesome care of them. I was given yummy vegetables from her garden in return. I'm glad the EE's went to a nice home.
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Question for showing. Are the lighter or darker shades of blue better for the shows? Does the blue color matter? I have a wide variety of blue shades with the fluff. Not sure how blue the feathers will come in. I'll need to rehome once I figure out who I'm keeping. I might do another hatch soon since I want to show as soon as possible. Or I'll wait until spring to do another hatch. I haven't decided yet,

I only hatched 2 black babies. I love the black too and want one to show. That way my girls can show a different color. Having only 2 to chose from isn't much to choose from for show.

I'll take more pictures tomorrow of everyone. They are so cute!
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Question for showing. Are the lighter or darker shades of blue better for the shows? Does the blue color matter? I have a wide variety of blue shades with the fluff. Not sure how blue the feathers will come in. I'll need to rehome once I figure out who I'm keeping. I might do another hatch soon since I want to show as soon as possible. Or I'll wait until spring to do another hatch. I haven't decided yet,
I only hatched 2 black babies. I love the black too and want one to show. That way my girls can show a different color. Having only 2 to chose from isn't much to choose from for show.
I'll take more pictures tomorrow of everyone. They are so cute!
Blacks are better for showing. Blues should have lacing, but I haven't seen a properly laced Blue Am yet. Some within the club (including Jean I believe) are working on this. There in a thread on that on the club forum. Your SOP can give you a description of a proper Blue.

In general, solid colored birds are more competive than patterned birds. (Not always!)
Thank you. I joined my whole family with the ABC for the next 2 years, but I can't become a member of the forum until I get information from them.

I really like the blacks myself and the darker blues. Plus, the blue wheatens, buffs, and silver steal my heart.

I'm starting with blue/black since my husband loves black chickens too. I might start over next year with a different color, I prefer the most social chickens. I still have a lot to learn. I've never shown a chicken in my life. I'm also getting my two youngest kids involved with the showing.
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Hello Ameraucana friends..... I have two wee guys/gals that are just absolutely darling.... one with a "redder" comb than the other.... am I probably looking at a roo? Both are ridiculously feisty, and crazy fun foragers. Having a bunch of fun watching them.... Ummmmm, they actually challenge the older hens. Hilarious.

any guesses without pictures? Just a pair of darling sweeeeeeties that I would like some suggestions.

Thanks everyone!
Thank you. I joined my whole family with the ABC for the next 2 years, but I can't become a member of the forum until I get information from them.

I really like the blacks myself and the darker blues. Plus, the blue wheatens, buffs, and silver steal my heart.

I'm starting with blue/black since my husband loves black chickens too. I might start over next year with a different color, I prefer the most social chickens. I still have a lot to learn. I've never shown a chicken in my life. I'm also getting my two youngest kids involved with the showing.
Even though you cannot post yet you can read lots of info on the ABC forum. Here is a link to the laced blue discussion thread. My personal favorite. lol!!
Like I said, I cannot show birds so the laced blue project is my passion.

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